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HR Policies Samples List

The following collection of sample policies should be used as a springboard for development of your own customized, enterprise-specific HR policies.

Administrative Rights Policy

The decision whether or not to grant computer end users administrative rights is hotly contested, and irritating to enforce. However, in an environment where security is...

Hiring Policy

The hiring process is a potential employee's first exposure to your organization. The efficiency and quality of that process will permanently influence how they view the...

E-Mail and Messaging Acceptable Use Policy

This template provides enterprises with a measuring-stick against which to weigh existing policy, as well as a foundation for new enterprises designing this policy for...

Internet Acceptable Use Policy

Most organizations that provide Internet access to their employees have put in place an Internet Acceptable Use Policy. Some of these policies have been in place,...

Printer Policy

Printing is an essential business function, yet it is often not closely governed, leading to exorbitant and unnecessary costs. Develop and implement a printer policy to...

Attendance Management Policy

Managing attendance is one of the most complicated functions of an HR Department. Employees miss work for various reasons, very few of which are the same case by case....

Employee Code of Conduct

An Employee Code of Conduct document establishes rules for ethical behavior in an organization, as well as outlines recourse in the event of misconduct routes for...

Personal Social Media Acceptable Use Policy

Social media is used by many as means of sharing information, communicating, and connecting with others. The use of social media at work for personal reasons is a...

On-Call Policy and Agreement

Maintaining an organization where employees need to be on-call requires a finely-tuned policy to outline expectations.
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