Tools & Templates

Employee Referral Policy Template

Use this template to record your referral program policy and ensure clear employee referral expectations.

Employee Referral Program Playbook

Use this tool to document goals, design decisions, budget, and progress to continually improve the employee referral program.

Overcome the Challenges of Project Management Infographic

This infographic provides HR with the key people-related challenges to plan for when managing a large project.

Retirement Letter Template

Use this template to help retiring employees transition out of the organization by providing them with the necessary information needed to facilitate a smooth retirement.

Mentoring Project Plan

Use this template to map out the mentoring program's essential details and project progress.

Retirement Guide Workbook

Use this tool to capture information in one place as you work through the organizational retirement preparation guide.

Mentoring Tip Sheet

Use this tip sheet to improve the mentor/mentee relationship using best practices.

Mentoring Agreement Template

Use this agreement to outline expectations, roles, and responsibilities for the mentoring relationship.

Combat Project Management Barriers Reflection Tool

HR professionals can use this tool to visualize the capacity on the project team to determine task owners across the project timeline.

Mentee Preparation Checklist

Use this checklist to set the mentoring relationship up for success with an efficient and effective first meeting.
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