Tools & Templates

Customize HR Programs Presentation Template

Use this template to present HR programs selected for customization to executives and senior leadership.

Customize HR Programs Workbook

Use this tool to document data and select HR programs for customization.

Customized HR Program Tracking Tool

Share this tool with each project team to help track the success of the customized HR program in the relevant regions.

Functional Competencies Needs Analysis and Prioritization Tool

Use this tool to work through a needs analysis and prioritization exercise to determine which function(s) to focus on when creating functional competencies.

Functional Competencies Workbook

Use this tool to develop functional competencies and map them to the roles within the function.

Learning in Action: Basics of Navigating Data for Managers

Use this learning in action sheet to summarize key points from the Navigating Data for Managers training deck.

Handbook: Basics of Navigating Data for Managers

Use this handbook to reinforce core concepts and engage learners in the basics of navigating data training.

Use the Job Architecture Framework to Inform HR Programs

Use this guide to support integrating the job architecture framework with HR programs to ensure cohesion.

Develop a Job Architecture Framework Workbook

Use this workbook to document key information and decisions as you work through the Develop a Job Architecture Framework storyboard.

Job Architecture Employee FAQ Template

Use this template to help people leaders effectively communicate the job architecture framework to employees and address any questions or concerns.
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