Learning & Development - Tools & Templates

Behavioral Interview Question Library

This comprehensive competency-based question collection provides a list of behavioral questions that help the talent acquisition specialist and hiring manager interview...

Team Effectiveness Questionnaire

Use this template to survey team members and understand the current state of team effectiveness.

Team Effectiveness Assessment Tool

Use this tool to quickly identify focus areas for team improvement.

Leadership Development Business Case Template

Develop an effective business case for a tailored approach to leadership development to gain executive buy-in and support.

Leadership Development Template

Use this template to document key pieces during the creation of the leadership development plan.

Leadership Development Playbook

Use this tool to identify gaps in current learning content and map out a plan of action for designing an impactful leadership development program.

Leadership Development ROI Calculator

Use this tool to evaluate the impact of leadership development ROI and compare program costs and benefits.

Move Toward Neuro-Friendly HR Practices Infographic

Use this infographic to ensure your HR practices are increasingly and consistently neuro-friendly.

Team Charter Template

This template should be used to create a charter for your team. The charter formally outlines details including the team’s objectives, team membership, team ground rules,...

Leadership Development Program Cost-Benefit Analysis Tool

This tool is designed to help you calculate the hard costs and benefits of your leadership development program. The results of a comprehensive financial analysis will...
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