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Flexible Work Arrangement Agreement

Use this template to document and formalize the agreed upon work hours, remote work norms, locations, performance expectations, and any other changes required to...

Train Managers to Effectively Navigate Conflict

Conflict is associated with negativity, stress, and disruption, but it doesn’t have to be! Conflict naturally happens any time individuals and groups work together. When...
  • guided implementation icon

Training Deck: Effectively Navigate Conflict

Use this training deck to train managers to recognize the many roles that people managers take on in conflict management, choose appropriate conflict management...

Role Plays: Effectively Navigate Conflict

These role plays will allow participants to practice the strategies they learn during the "Effectively Navigate Conflict" training.

Participant Handbook: Effectively Navigate Conflict

This handbook will allow participants to take notes and complete activities during the Effectively Navigate Conflict training.

Learning in Action: Effectively Navigate Conflict

Use this handout to remind learners of core concepts learned in the Effectively Navigate Conflict training.

Introducing Maureen Cahill, Managing Partner at McLean & Company

Maureen joined McLean & Company as Managing Partner in August 2022. In this Q&A, Maureen discusses the top priorities of CHROs, her advice for new CHROs, and what fuels her.

Develop a Comprehensive Onboarding Plan Storyboard

Welcome new employees to the organization with a clear, consistent and comprehensive onboarding program to start them on the right track.

Develop a Comprehensive Onboarding Plan Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case for an onboarding program that acclimates, guides, and develops new hires.

Onboarding Playbook

Use this playbook to evaluate and redesign the onboarding program.
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