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Onboarding Ideas CatalogUse this catalog to explore onboarding initiatives that could be included in a comprehensive onboarding program. |
Onboarding Guide for ManagersUse this guide to document key onboarding decisions about your new onboarding program. |
Onboarding Guide for Human ResourcesUse this guide to document key onboarding decisions about your new onboarding program. |
New Hire Schedule TemplateUse this template to create custom schedules for new hires. |
Case Studies: Develop a Comprehensive Onboarding PlanRefer to these case studies for examples of implemented comprehensive onboarding plans. |
Use Dashboards to Become a Data-Driven HR Function StoryboardData-driven decision making is a top priority for organizations. Create dashboards to present data and metrics in an effective way and provide insights and... |
Use Dashboards to Become a Data-Driven HR Function Executive BriefingUse this briefing to make the case for using dashboards to become a data-driven HR function to the executive team. |
HR Dashboard ExamplesUse these examples to get ideas and inspiration from sample dashboards. |
Case Studies: Use Dashboards to Become a Data-Driven HR FunctionRefer to these case studies for examples of how HR can incorporate data and use dashboards to meet audience needs, provide insights, and drive action. |
Metrics Calculation SampleUse this tool to understand how some common metrics can be calculated using Excel. |