cost of employee disengagement
Employee Engagement Program
Employee Engagement Program: Unlocking the Potential of Your Team Discover the power of employee engagement with McLean & Company's comprehensive program. Engage employees beyond job satisfaction by delving into what truly drives a positive employee experience. Our program focuses on three key areas: organizational, job, and individual drivers of.
Identify and Discuss Employee Engagement
Blueprint: Learning & Development
Help managers learn the key elements of employee engagement, identify disengagement triggers and build skills for meaningful conversations to re-engage staff.
Equip managers with the skills to understand engagement and address signs of disengagement effectively.
Help managers learn the key elements of employee engagement, identify disengagement triggers and build skills for meaningful conversations to re-engage staff. Equip managers with the skills to understand engagement and address signs of disengagement effectively.
Increase Employee Engagement Using the 3i’s
Blueprint: Learning & Development
To impact employee engagement managers need to be trustworthy and transparent. They must not only value but also act on employee feedback. Train managers on the engagement lifecycle and how to use the 3i's of engagement: inform, interact, and involve.
Train your managers to promote trust and openness using the 3i's of engagement.
Use this workbook to describe the engagement lifecycle and recognize triggers of disengagement, use the 3i's of employee engagement, and plan conversations with disengaged employees. Use this workbook to: Describe the engagement lifecycle and recognize triggers of disengagement.Use the 3i's of employee engagement.Plan conversations with disengaged.
Workbook: 3i's of Employee Engagement
Tools And Templates: Learning & Development
Use this workbook to describe the engagement lifecycle and recognize triggers of disengagement, use the 3i's of employee engagement, and plan conversations with disengaged employees.
Online Leadership Training: Increase Employee Engagement Using the 3i’s
Note: Culture
Engage McLean & Company facilitators to guide managers through online Increase Employee Engagement Using the 3i’s training.
Navigating the Cost-of-Living Crisis and Its Impact on the Workplace
Note: HR Spotlight
By understanding the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on employees, organizations can implement strategies to support their employees and foster greater employee engagement, wellbeing, and productivity.
By understanding the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on employees, organizations can implement strategies to support their employees and foster greater employee engagement, wellbeing, and productivity. By understanding the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on employees, organizations can implement strategies to support their employees and.
Webinar: Employee Engagement Trends Report 2023
Video: Culture
Insights, analysis, and benchmarking data from McLean & Company’s Employee Engagement Survey from 2021 to 2022.
Insights, analysis, and benchmarking data from McLean & Company’s Employee Engagement Survey from 2021 to 2022.
Employee Engagement Trends Report 2023
Blueprint: Culture
Get key insights, analysis, and benchmarking data from McLean & Company’s Employee Engagement Survey data. Download the Employee Engagement Trends Report.
Insights, analysis, and benchmarking data from McLean & Company’s Employee Engagement Survey from 2021 to 2022.
Get key insights, analysis, and benchmarking data from McLean & Company’s Employee Engagement Survey data. Download the Employee Engagement Trends Report.. Insights, analysis, and benchmarking data from McLean & Company’s Employee Engagement Survey from 2021 to 2022.
Develop an Effective Talent Retention Plan
Blueprint: Talent Management
Many organizations are facing an increase in voluntary turnover as low unemployment, a lack of skilled labor, and a rise in the number of vacant roles have given employees more employment choices.
Keep talent from walking out the door by discovering and addressing moments that matter and turnover triggers.
Use this tool to calculate the cost of turnover.. Use the Cost of Turnover Tool to: Calculate the cost of voluntary turnover Compare turnover costs by the current and target turnover rate Track and visualize the cost of turnover over time Use this tool as you work through assessing the impact of turnover and creating a retention plan.
Cost of Turnover Tool
Tools And Templates: Talent Management
Use this tool to calculate the cost of turnover.
Develop an Engagement Program Strategy
Blueprint: Culture
While many organizations run engagement surveys, the work on engagement often stops at measurement. However, employee engagement positively impacts organizational outcomes: 92% of engaged employees regularly accomplish more than what’s expected in their role, versus only 49% of disengaged...
Employee engagement is more than a survey. To have a measurable impact on your organization, be planful and develop an engagement program strategy.
While many organizations run engagement surveys, the work on engagement often stops at measurement. However, employee engagement positively impacts organizational outcomes: 92% of engaged employees regularly accomplish more than what’s expected in their role, versus only 49% of disengaged employees (McLean & Company, Engagement Survey Database,.
Analyze and Act on Employee Engagement Data
Blueprint: Culture
Engagement positively impacts organizational outcomes and is positively related to employee and organizational performance. Engaged employees are more committed, innovative, and customer focused. Yet work on engagement often stops with surveys.
Avoid analysis paralysis with a timely and tailored employee engagement action plan.
Use this guide to help managers support disengaged employees. Many managers overestimate how engaged their team really is and are uncertain of how to address disengaged employees. Use the Identify and Reengage Disengaged Employees – Manager Guide to aid managers with the work of gauging and improving their team's engagement level.
Identify and Reengage Disengaged Employees – Manager Guide
Tools And Templates: Culture
Use this guide to help managers support disengaged employees.
Research Snapshot: Analyze and Act on Employee Engagement Data
Note: Culture
Use this research snapshot to bridge the gap between employee engagement survey launch and action.
Overall Employee Engagement Survey Results Debrief Template
Tools And Templates: Culture
Use this template to create engagement survey results presentations.
Webinar: Employee Engagement Trends 2024
Video: Culture
Insights, analysis, and benchmarking data from McLean & Company’s Employee Engagement Survey from 2019 to 2023.
Insights, analysis, and benchmarking data from McLean & Company’s Employee Engagement Survey from 2019 to 2023.
Webinar: 2022 Employee Engagement Trends Report
Video: Culture
Insights, analysis, and benchmarking data from McLean & Company’s Employee Engagement Survey from 2019 to 2021.
Insights, analysis, and benchmarking data from McLean & Company’s Employee Engagement Survey from 2019 to 2021.
Employee Engagement Trends Report 2024
Blueprint: Culture
Insights, analysis, and benchmarking data from McLean & Company’s Employee Engagement Survey from 2019 to 2023.
Insights, analysis, and benchmarking data from McLean & Company’s Employee Engagement Survey from 2019 to 2023.
Insights, analysis, and benchmarking data from McLean & Company’s Employee Engagement Survey from 2019 to 2023.. Insights, analysis, and benchmarking data from McLean & Company’s Employee Engagement Survey from 2019 to 2023.
2022 Employee Engagement Trends Report
Blueprint: Culture
Get key insights, analysis, and benchmarking data from McLean & Company’s Employee Engagement Survey data. Download the Employee Engagement Trends Report.
Insights, analysis, and benchmarking data from McLean & Company’s Employee Engagement Survey from 2019 to 2021.
Get key insights, analysis, and benchmarking data from McLean & Company’s Employee Engagement Survey data. Download the Employee Engagement Trends Report.. Insights, analysis, and benchmarking data from McLean & Company’s Employee Engagement Survey from 2019 to 2021.
Exit Survey Guide
Blueprint: Culture
Exit survey data offers insight into the top drivers of turnover at your organization and provides departing employees with the opportunity to share feedback on engagement and retention.
Prepare to implement an exit survey and action plan to retain top talent and reduce turnover.
Use this briefing to make the case for gathering insights from departing employees. This executive briefing presents an overview of the benefits of assessing employee experience and drivers of turnover when offboarding staff members. This document includes:The advantages of collecting feedback to address issues.McLean & Company insights.Steps.
Exit Survey Guide Executive Briefing
Note: Culture
Use this briefing to make the case for gathering insights from departing employees.
Enable Senior Leaders to Drive Employee Engagement
Blueprint: Culture
Senior leaders have a significant impact on employee engagement but may be unaware of their impact or resistant to employee feedback. Gain senior leaders’ buy-in and support them in owning their role in driving employee engagement.
Help senior leaders understand and own the impact of leadership on employee engagement.
Use this playbook to support senior leaders in understanding their impact on employee engagement.. Use the Employee Engagement Senior Leadership Playbook to support senior leaders in understanding their impact on employee engagement and provide specific strategies and behaviors they can adopt to drive engagement across the organization.
Employee Engagement: Senior Leadership Playbook
Note: Culture
Use this playbook to support senior leaders in understanding their impact on employee engagement.
Blueprint Overview: Develop an Engagement Program Strategy
Video: Culture
Employee engagement is more than a survey. To have a measurable impact on your organization, be planful and develop an engagement program strategy.
Employee engagement is more than a survey. To have a measurable impact on your organization, be planful and develop an engagement program strategy.
Equip Managers to Increase Employee Engagement Using the 3i's
Blueprint: Learning & Development
Train managers to strengthen employee engagement using McLean & Company’s 3i’s model to build positive workplace relationships.
Train managers to enhance engagement and collaboration using the 3i’s model.
Train managers to strengthen employee engagement using McLean & Company’s 3i’s model to build positive workplace relationships. Train managers to enhance engagement and collaboration using the 3i’s model.