Strategically Develop a 360 Feedback Process

Blueprint: Talent Management

Offer employees a 360 feedback assessment to gain a holistic and valuable view of their behavior from multiple perspectives.

Handbook: Train Raters on the 360 Feedback Process

Tools And Templates: Learning & Development

With ever-evolving working environments, feedback has become more important than ever. However, providing effective feedback can be challenging. Train your employees to give and meaningful, relevant feedback to support the ongoing development of members of the organization.

Handbook: Train Ratees on the 360 Feedback Process

Tools And Templates: Learning & Development

With ever-evolving working environments, feedback has become more important than ever. However, recieving feedback can be challenging. Train your employees on the 360 feedback process to equip them to effectively receive and act on feedback.

Training Deck: Train Raters on the 360 Feedback Process

Tools And Templates: Learning & Development

With ever-evolving working environments, feedback has become more important than ever. However, providing effective feedback can be challenging. Train your employees to give and meaningful, relevant feedback to support the ongoing development of members of the organization.

Training Deck: Train Ratees on the 360 Feedback Process

Tools And Templates: Learning & Development

With ever evolving working environments, feedback has become more important than ever. However, receiving feedback can be challenging. Train your employees on the 360 degree feedback process to equip them to effectively receive and act upon feedback.

360 Feedback Interpretation and Development Plan Worksheet

Tools And Templates: Talent Management

Use this worksheet to help employees analyze 360 Feedback results, and determine areas they can build upon and areas to address.

360 Feedback Process Workbook

Tools And Templates: Talent Management

This tool will enable you to capture key information in one place while developing the 360 Feedback process.

360 Feedback Debrief Guide

Tools And Templates: Talent Management

Use this guide to help debriefers coach ratees through the results of their 360 Feedback assessment.

360 Feedback Assessment User Guide

Tools And Templates: Talent Management

Follow this guide to make the decisions necessary to set up, launch, and collect feedback from McLean & Company’s 360 Feedback diagnostic.

Strategically Develop a 360 Feedback Process Executive Briefing

Note: Talent Management

Use this briefing to make the case to your executives for a 360 feedback assessment process to support employee development.

Case Studies: Strategically Develop a 360 Feedback Process

Case Study: Talent Management

Refer to these case studies for examples of 360 feedback assessment processes.

360 Feedback Interpretation and Development Plan Job Aid

Tools And Templates: Talent Management

Use this job aid to guide employees through their 360 feedback results and using this feedback to find areas to target with development efforts.

Train Raters on the 360 Feedback Process

Blueprint: Learning & Development

With ever-evolving working environments, feedback has become more important than ever. However, providing effective feedback can be challenging. Train your employees to give and receive meaningful, relevant feedback to support the ongoing development of members of your organization.

Introduce raters and ratees to the 360 feedback process and equip them with the skills to provide and act on feedback.

Train Raters on the 360 Feedback Process. Solution Set. blueprint. Learning & Development.

Webinar: Strategically Develop a 360 Feedback Process

Video: Learning & Development

A 360 feedback assessment is not a plug-and-play solution. The process must be supported by a strategic roadmap and a clear purpose to maximize the benefits to the organization and provide employees with the support they need for development..

Succeed as a CHRO With a Leadership Development Program

Blueprint: Learning & Development

Industry disruption, organizational complexity, technological changes, and external risks are continuing to change the world of work and, as a result, the role of the CHRO. CHROs are being met with increased expectations and are playing a larger strategic role to help their organizations...

CHRO 360 Feedback Interpretation Worksheet

Tools And Templates: Learning & Development

Use this worksheet to analyze 360 feedback assessment results to find areas of strength to build upon and areas of opportunity to address.

​Creating Inclusive Online and Blended Learning Spaces and Products

Note: HR Spotlight

To care for all learners and foster effective learning solutions, facilitators of remote courses must ensure virtual delivery channels, learning methods, and content are accessible and inclusive. This article reflects on how to create more welcoming learning spaces and promote a sense of...

According to McLean & Company’s recent HR Trends Report, enabling learning and development remains a top priority for organizations in 2023, but their focus on the long-term work required for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is decreasing.

It’s Time for Integrated Leadership

Live Webinar:

The pandemic, industry disruptions, the exponential growth of data, and the abrupt insertion of work into home life further emphasizing our new normal of constant connectivity have all impacted the ability of today’s leaders to be resilient in the face of change and to make effective decisions to reduce risk. We have reached a tipping point.



Track Progress Keep track of your and your team’s activity and progress, and maintain oversight over your team’s learning journey. Test Understanding Multiple choice tests and engaging activities bring learning to life while evaluating understanding.

Management Fundamentals

Management Fundamentals

Blended Learning Our blended programs are a combination of eLearning, facilitated live sessions, peer discussions, and ongoing support. Engaging eLearning modules with video lectures and activities. Live online sessions with a McLean & Company facilitator. Ongoing learning reinforcements to ingrain behavior change.