
Create a People-First Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategy

Blueprint: Culture

Most organizations recognize that there are a number of benefits that come from being inclusive to diverse groups of employees. However, despite the implementation of numerous diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, organizations are still having trouble with making progress.

Build a sustainable DEI strategy by focusing on real people’s experiences to uncover and address systemic inequities.

Create a People-First Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategy Executive Briefing. note. Culture. equity fairness performance D&I empower culture employee lifecycle organizational strategy financial gains vision executive buy-in buy in management training diverse workforce inclusive culture How to develop inclusion inclusion equality discrimination innovative diversity and inclusion strategy inclusive environment ethnic diversity people with disabilities diversity in the workplace diversity and inclusion inclusion strategy culture of inclusion inclusivity inclusion resources inclusion behaviors inclusive behaviors inclusive workplace create inclusion create inclusive workplaces microaggression ERG employee resource groups how to address privilege in the workplace inequities equitable workplace equity in the workplace belonging in workplace inclusive leadership systemic inequalities DEI diversity equity and inclusion diversity equity and belonging DIB belonging belongingness oppression work practices privilege power organizational culture. current DEI initiatives people-first diversity Company insightsRequired successful implementation employee lifecycleUse DEI) strategy DEI strategy executive briefing overview importance impact document summary benefits equity inclusion Recomme. Use this document to make the case to your executives for creating a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion strategy that addresses systemic inequities.. This executive briefing contains an overview of the importance of appraising the impact of current DEI initiatives and determining how they can be improved upon. This document includes:A summary of the benefits of a people-first diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) strategy.Recommendations on how to implement a DEI strategy across the organizationMcLean & Company insightsRequired steps for successful implementation of DEI throughout the employee lifecycleUse this briefing to make the case for implementing DEI throughout the organization..

Create a People-First Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategy Executive Briefing

Note: Culture

Use this document to make the case to your executives for creating a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion strategy that addresses systemic inequities.

Workshop Overview: Create a People-First Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Strategy

Note: HR Strategy

Engage McLean & Company facilitators to lead your team through the Create a People-First Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Strategy workshop.

Job Aid: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Governance Framework

Note: Culture

Use this job aid to identify the right DEI governance model for a sustainable DEI strategy.

Introduction to Psychological Safety for HR

Blueprint: Culture

Use this guide to build a psychologically safe work environment where employees feel included and safe to learn, contribute, and challenge.

A guide to building psychological safety at work.

Primer: Psychological Safety in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Sessions. note. Culture. health and safety how to make employees feel safe at work inclusive leadership inclusive workplace practices learning from failure learning from mistakes norms psyc safety psych safety psychological health psychological safety psychological safety at work psychologically safe environment stages of psychological safety trust vulnerability. Psychological Safety real time DEI contexts DEI efforts live sessions practical tips DEI leaders DEI sessions Primer Diversity Equity amp Inclusion concept stages connection work Equip interactions organization. Equip leaders of DEI efforts across the organization with tips on building psychological safety in DEI sessions.. Use the Primer: Psychological Safety in Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) Sessions to: Introduce the concept and stages of psychological safety to DEI leaders.Outline the connection between psychological safety and DEI at work.Equip DEI leaders with practical tips to build each stage of psychological safety in DEI contexts, specifically in live sessions where interactions occur in real time.Use this primer to equip leaders of DEI efforts across the organization with tips on building psychological safety in DEI sessions..

Primer: Psychological Safety in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Sessions

Note: Culture

Equip leaders of DEI efforts across the organization with tips on building psychological safety in DEI sessions.

Inclusive Onboarding

Note: HR Spotlight

In a competitive talent landscape, inclusive onboarding both improves the employee experience and helps the organization become an employer of choice. Every onboarding program has an opportunity to be more inclusive.

If new hires don’t feel included right from the start, it sends a message that in practice, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is not a priority – even if it’s been verbally identified as one If incoming employees feel cared for and connected to the organization, the whole employment relationship is set up for success The risk of not prioritizi...

Introducing LynnAnn Brewer, Executive Advisor at McLean & Company

Note: HR Spotlight

In this Q&A, LynnAnn talks about her career, what drew her to this role, and what challenges are top of mind for HR leaders.

Most recently, I have developed and led HR and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) transformations, helping those companies to become nationally recognized employers for women, diversity, and veterans Can you tell us a bit about yourself?Naturally, I am a learner and researcher These qualities make me an unconventional thinker, passionate about ...

Measuring What Matters

Note: HR Spotlight

What can organizations do to ensure their stated commitment to DEI is translated into meaningful action? Here are five recommendations for measuring and sustaining what matters most

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is an important priority for many organizations – HR and DEI leaders recognize not only the benefits of DEI but also that there is a cost of failing to meaningfully address DEI challenges McLean & Company’s HR Trends Report 2023 (similar to past reports in 2021 and 2022) finds strategic DEI is closely tied...

​Creating Inclusive Online and Blended Learning Spaces and Products

Note: HR Spotlight

To care for all learners and foster effective learning solutions, facilitators of remote courses must ensure virtual delivery channels, learning methods, and content are accessible and inclusive. This article reflects on how to create more welcoming learning spaces and promote a sense of...

long-term work required for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is decreasing Over the last few years, the move to hybrid work has transformed learning environments and led to a widespread adoption of remote courses and programs In some ways, the surge in online and blended learning has resulted in more inclusive educational circumstances In tod...

Introducing Stacey Shepherd, Executive Counselor at McLean & Company

Note: HR Spotlight

In this Q&A, Stacey Shepherd talks about her career, what drew her to this role, and what challenges are top of mind for HR leaders.

Progressing diversity, equity & inclusion – there is increasing pressure for a more deliberate and outcomes-based approach to improving equity and inclusion within organizations, specifically demonstrating progress in diversifying leadership The HR organization – for HR to effectively drive and facilitate these workforce initiatives, HR must fi...

Moving Toward a Shared Win for All Women

Note: HR Spotlight

This International Women's Day, to ensure our gains as a collective are equitable, we must communicate unequivocally through our words and actions that it is okay to take a chance on women, especially racialized women.

A 2021 survey confirmed that women leaders are more likely than their male colleagues to invest time and effort on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) work and participate in active allyship activities such as mentoring However, even though more than three-quarters of white employees believe they are active allies to racialized women, less than ...

Introducing Mardi Walker, McLean & Company’s Counselor to HR Executives

Note: HR Spotlight

Get to know McLean & Company's Counselor to HR Executives by reading this Q&A with Mardi Walker.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion: The pandemic and other recent social upheavals have accelerated the urgency of DEI work, which touches every aspect of HR This is an important topic for employees and organizations alike Succession planning: The coming retirement wave we’d heard about for more than a decade is now starting to happen in a significan...

Embed Inclusion Into the Organization's Culture

Blueprint: Culture

The positive impacts of workforce diversity have resulted in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) becoming a strategic priority for competitive organizations. However, organizations often concentrate their efforts on increasing diversity, missing the full benefits that cannot be realized...

Diversity on its own will not create inclusion.

Embed Inclusion Into the Organization's Culture Executive Briefing. note. Culture. Inclusion equality equity fairness performance discrimination D&I empower innovative employee lifecycle organizational strategy inclusive environment financial gains vision diverse workforce ethnic diversity people with disabilities diversity in the workplace inclusive culture diversity and inclusion inclusion strategy culture of inclusion inclusivity inclusion resources inclusion behaviors inclusive behaviors inclusive workplace create inclusion create inclusive workplaces. high-level overview inclusive culture Company insights Required steps senior leaders executive briefing inclusion initiatives impact organization document summary benefits McLean need. Use this briefing to make the case to your executives for thoughtful inclusion initiatives that are reinforced by the organizational culture.. This executive briefing consists of a high-level overview of the impact an inclusive culture has on the organization. This document includes:A summary of the benefits of an inclusive culture.McLean & Company insights.Required steps to cultivate inclusion throughout the organization.Use this briefing to communicate the need for inclusion initiatives to gain buy-in from senior leaders..

Embed Inclusion Into the Organization's Culture Executive Briefing

Note: Culture

Use this briefing to make the case to your executives for thoughtful inclusion initiatives that are reinforced by the organizational culture.

Introducing Michelle Leedy, Executive Advisor at McLean & Company

Note: HR Spotlight

Michelle joined McLean & Company in January 2023 as an Executive Advisor. In this Q&A, Michelle talks about her career, what drew her to this role, and what challenges are top of mind for HR leaders.

Culture remains forefront given its relationship to:Talent attraction, retention, engagement, and experience across the employee lifecycle.Diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice.Perception with and support of the board, investors, business constituents and the community.Workforce digitalization proceeds at a rapid pace with accompanying shifts t...

Close the Gender Wage Gap: Organizational Strategies Built for 2023

Note: HR Spotlight

Equal pay, gender equality, and protection from workplace discrimination have been the core pursuit of the women’s rights movement since its founding in the 1960s. Although we have made laudable progress on these fronts, significant systemic and structural barriers remain for women, with one of...

For more information, see our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Resource Center To learn more about our research and services, please reach out to jcampbell@mcleanco.com This article was written on behalf of the Women’s Employee Resource Group at Info-Tech Research Group McLean & Company is a division of Info-Tech Research Group.Works Cit...

Introducing Shazia Mazhar, Executive Advisor at McLean & Company

Note: HR Spotlight

Shazia joined McLean & Company in September 2021 as an Executive Advisor. In this Q&A, Shazia talks about her background, what drew her to this role, and what challenges are top of mind for HR leaders.

My biggest passions are Culture, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, HR Change and Transformation, and leadership of large HR teams A career highlight for me was living in Bogota, Colombia to navigate building out an operations business for a large financial institution I will also never forget my first time supporting an employee through their gende...

Intersectionality at Work: Uncovering the Potential of Employee Sponsorship Programs to Impact Women in the Workplace

Note: HR Spotlight

Sponsorship supports career advancement by challenging external barriers for the sponsoree, identifying opportunities for them, and advocating on their behalf for a position, promotion, development opportunity, or similar goal. Sponsorship focuses on addressing systemic barriers at an...

The key to dismantling barriers and fostering a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment is learning about intersectionality and how it contributes to women’s barriers within the workplace.The term “intersectionality” was coined in 1989 by critical race theorist and civil rights advocate Kimberlé Crenshaw Historically, the term was used to des...

Inclusive Language Guide

Blueprint: Culture

Embedding inclusive language in written communications ensures organizations use language that acknowledges the diverse identities of the audience to foster respect and belonging.

Embed inclusive language in written communications.

Inclusive Language Infographic. note. Culture. DEI guide DEI initiatives Disability inclusive language Equitable communication guide Inclusive English language guide Written communications age inclusive language cross-cultural understanding culture inclusivity diverse education diverse inclusive practices diverse perspectives diversity and inclusion communication gender inclusive language inclusive learning internal communications guide. general best practices inclusive language demographic groups written communications infogrpahic. Use this infographic to embed inclusive language into written communications.. This infogrpahic provides general best practices for inclusive language across demographic groups in written communications. .

Inclusive Language Infographic

Note: Culture

Use this infographic to embed inclusive language into written communications.

Inclusive Spaces: Neurodiversity, Mental Health, and Inclusion

Note: HR Spotlight

There’s no better time than now to recognize the connection between mental health and neurodiversity, reduce stigma, and create a way forward through inclusive design.

Neurodiversity and neuro-inclusion as concepts help reframe and de-stigmatize neurological differences in workplaces, because they move the focus from the individual to how we design our environment Many neuro-inclusive practices also benefit employees who are not neurodiverse It does not replace the need for individual accommodation, but it can mi...

From Co-Ops to Consultants: Build Belonging Within Your Team

Blueprint: Learning & Development

Equip leaders to create a sense of belonging on teams with mixed employment arrangements by fostering relationships, communicating effectively, and providing equitable participation options, making sure all team members have the means and opportunity to contribute meaningfully. In doing so,...

Equip leaders to create a sense of belonging on teams with mixed employment arrangements by fostering relationships, communicating effectively, and providing equitable participation options.

Keep Top Talent in Your Organization Infographic. note. Learning & Development. dealing with a diverse workforce different types of employee communication different types of employee engagement diverse management diverse team diverse workforce how to manage diversity in the workplace hybrid workforce management leading diverse teams managing a hybrid workforce managing diverse teams supporting co-ops supporting interns supporting students team unity. strong short-term contributors strong internal candidates vital role quick infographic Leaders stewards organization ecosystem borders team ideas opportunities time. Leaders play a vital role as stewards of their organization’s ecosystem beyond the borders of their own team. This quick infographic provides ideas on how to create opportunities to keep strong short-term contributors within the organization and how to seek out strong internal candidates looking to extend their time in the organization.. Leaders play a vital role as stewards of their organization’s ecosystem beyond the borders of their own team. This quick infographic provides ideas on how to create opportunities to keep strong short-term contributors within the organization and how to seek out strong internal candidates looking to extend their time in the organization..

Keep Top Talent in Your Organization Infographic

Note: Learning & Development

Leaders play a vital role as stewards of their organization’s ecosystem beyond the borders of their own team. This quick infographic provides ideas on how to create opportunities to keep strong short-term contributors within the organization and how to seek out strong internal candidates...

Equip Managers to Adopt Inclusive Leadership Behaviors

Blueprint: Culture

Inclusion refers to an environment of mutual respect where differences are actively welcomed. Creating an inclusive environment is not a one and done exercise. It requires ongoing accountability, focus and behavior change. Managers play a critical role in the development of an inclusive culture...

Give your managers the tools to create an inclusive workplace environment.

Online Leadership Training: Adopt Inclusive Leadership Behaviors. note. Culture. online training. inclusive behavioral habits Inclusive Leadership Behaviors thoughtful people decisions four leadership behaviors positive impact inclusivity four behaviors people leaders business outcomes training session action plan peer groups account manager blended training managers’ behavior teams Demonstrate information. Engage McLean & Company facilitators to guide managers through Adopting Inclusive Leadership Behaviors via blended learning. Help them build the skills for success from the comfort of their computers.. Train your people leaders to Adopt Inclusive Leadership Behaviors that will support thoughtful people decisions, ramping up the impact their teams make on business outcomes. During the training session, managers will learn to: Describe the positive impact inclusivity can have on their teams. Recognize how managers’ behavior affects the team.Demonstrate how to adopt and use four leadership behaviors Develop an action plan using the four behaviors to lead and sustain inclusive behavioral habits within teams and peer groups.Contact your account manager for information regarding this blended training..

Online Leadership Training: Adopt Inclusive Leadership Behaviors

Note: Culture

Engage McLean & Company facilitators to guide managers through Adopting Inclusive Leadership Behaviors via blended learning. Help them build the skills for success from the comfort of their computers.