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Talent Acquisition icon

Uncover the Employee Value Proposition

Strategically highlight organizational strengths in a compelling and realistic story to attract and retain the right talent.

  • Human resources (HR) departments already strapped for time spend the majority of their attention on other HR activities rather than the employee value proposition (EVP) (McLean & Company, 2022 HR Trends Report, n=405).
  • When creating an EVP, organizations often forget about the employee voice and engagement, neglect to look at competitors, and confuse it with employer branding, which leads to inaccurate, misaligned, and undifferentiated EVPs.

Need Extra Help?
Speak With An Analyst.

  • Get on-demand project support
  • Get advice, coaching, and insight at key project milestones
  • Go through a Guided Implementation to help you get through your project

Our Advice

Critical Insight

A strong employee value proposition (EVP) provides a compelling but realistic view of the benefits of joining the organization, while also leading to a connection that encourages employees to stay.

Impact and Result

  • Create a realistic and compelling EVP by using the employee voice to uncover the lived experience and the organizational offerings that employees highly value.
  • Highlight the organization’s unique features in the EVP to differentiate from competitors, allow potential and current employees to assess fit, and support recruitment and retention efforts.
  • Fully integrate and sustain the EVP through strong communication partnerships across the organization that reach both internally and externally.

Uncover the Employee Value Proposition Research & Tools

2. Uncover the EVP

Collect, analyze, and theme data to draft the EVP statements, then tailor for key employee segments.

3. Evaluate and refine the EVP

Evaluate the EVP to ensure it is aligned, accurate, and unique.

Employee Value Proposition

An active membership is required to access McLean Academy

How to complete this course:

Use these videos, along with the Project Blueprint deck above, to gain an understanding of the subject. Start with the Introduction, then move through each of the Course Modules. At the end of each Module, you will be required to complete a short test to demonstrate your understanding. You will complete this course when you have completed all of the course tests.

  • Number of Course Modules: 5
  • Estimated Completion Time: 1.5 hours

Learning Outcome

Develop a unique EVP for your organization to reinforce your talent management strategy and differentiate from key talent competitors.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Understand what an EVP is for and the impact of the EVP for organizations both internally and externally.
  • Determine the criteria necessary to create a robust and successful EVP.
  • Align the EVP with the employer brand.
  • Road-test the EVP internally and externally.
  • Determine how to align HR policies and programs to the new EVP.
  • Define communications around launching the EVP.

Course Modules

Now playing

Academy EVP: Introduction: Uncover an impactful Employee Value Proposition

Now playing

Academy EVP: Module 1: Build a Plan to Develop the EVP

Now playing

Academy EVP: Module 2: Uncover the EVP

Now playing

Academy EVP: Module 3: Evaluate and Refine the EVP

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Academy EVP: Module 4: Implement and Sustain the EVP

Workshop: Uncover the Employee Value Proposition

Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Build a Plan to Develop the EVP

The Purpose

Identify EVP insights and themes using organizational data.

Key Benefits Achieved

Organizational data is sorted into EVP categories to uncover positive experiences across employee population.




Review EVP concepts.


Consolidate focus group and existing survey data to identify insights.

  • Insights from focus groups categorized

Synthesize all gathered insights into themes.

  • Insights from existing employee surveys categorized

Module 2: Uncover the EVP

The Purpose

Finalize themes and draft EVP statements.

Key Benefits Achieved

The predominant positive experiences are translated into tangible statements.




Define category themes.


Select three to six key EVP themes.

  • Key EVP themes identified

Draft EVP statements.

  • Drafted EVP statements

Module 3: Refine and Plan for Implementation of the EVP

The Purpose

Refine EVP statements.

Key Benefits Achieved

The final first draft of EVP is completed.




Conduct a competitor analysis.


Refine EVP statements.

  • Refined EVP statements

Prepare for executive stakeholder presentation.

Module 4: Finalize the EVP

The Purpose

Finalize EVP and prepare to implement.

Key Benefits Achieved

This EVP is validated with executive stakeholders and refined for road testing.




Present EVP to executive stakeholders for feedback.

  • Executive alignment with drafted EVP statements

Revise EVP statement.

  • Finalized EVP statements

Develop an action plan to segment and road test the EVP.

  • Action plan for EVP road testing

Module 5: Implement the EVP.

The Purpose

Develop the communications and implementation plan.

Key Benefits Achieved

An implementation plan for EVP integration into the organization is completed.




Develop the internal communications plan.

  • Draft communications plan

Create EVP implementation expectations for marketing and branding.

  • Draft EVP marketing and branding implementation phases
Uncover the Employee Value Proposition preview picture

About McLean & Company

McLean & Company is an HR research and advisory firm providing practical solutions to human resources challenges via executable research, tools, diagnostics, and advisory services that have a clear and measurable impact on your business.

What Is a Blueprint?

A blueprint is designed to be a roadmap, containing a methodology and the tools and templates you need to solve your HR problems.

Each blueprint can be accompanied by a Guided Implementation that provides you access to our world-class analysts to help you get through the project.

Need Extra Help?
Speak With An Analyst

Get the help you need in this 4-phase advisory process. You'll receive 9 touchpoints with our researchers, all included in your membership.

Guided Implementation 1: Build a plan to develop the EVP
  • Call 1: Identify organizational challenges and goals for the EVP project.
  • Call 2: Review employee segments and develop the project plan.

Guided Implementation 2: Uncover the EVP
  • Call 1: Prepare for focus groups and identify other inputs of data.
  • Call 2: Review gathered data and key themes.
  • Call 3: Review EVP draft statements.

Guided Implementation 3: Evaluate and refine the EVP
  • Call 1: Re-visit project plan timelines and confirm how stakeholder feedback will be collected.
  • Call 2: Review stakeholder feedback and revisions made to the EVP.

Guided Implementation 4: Launch and sustain the EVP
  • Call 1: Review the Employer Brand Ideas Catalog and identify options for communicating the EVP.
  • Call 2: Create the launch communications plan.


  • Jennifer Cermak, Social Media and Internal Communications Specialist, Sensata
  • Jenny Crawford, Director, Talent Acquisition, Oshkosh Corporation
  • Thomas Davenport, Author & Consultant
  • Nicole Dorskind, Managing Director, ThirtyThree
  • Dr. Dieter Veldsman, Executive, People and Organizational Effectiveness, Momentum Metropolitan Holdings Limited
  • Dean Fulford, Leadership Development Lead, Stratford Managers
  • Jennifer Heikamp, Lead of Workforce Planning & Organizational Development, York Region
  • Darla Higgins, Recruiting Manager, Pet Supplies Plus
  • Mark Hirschfeld, VP of Consulting Services, BI WORLDWIDE
  • Natalie LeBlanc, Talent Acquisition Leaders, HirePower
  • Alexa Moritz, Marketing Manager, ThirtyThree
  • Bianca New, Human Resources Consultant, Olympus Australia/New Zealand
  • Betsy Schneider, Vice President of Marketing, BI WORLDWIDE
  • John Sime, Marketing Technology Consultant
  • Derek van der Schyff, Employee Engagement Specialist, Momentum Metropolitan Holdings Limited
  • Howard Weintraub, Founder and Lead Consultant, Nuuvo-B2E

Search Code: 78485
Last Revised: January 2, 2024