Hybrid Workplace Resource Center
McLean & Company has partnered with our technology division, Info-Tech Research Group, to bring you resources that will support your efforts to create a planned, integrated, and supported hybrid work program.
Talk to an AnalystOptimize Remote Work
Remote work is here to stay. Optimize remote work for the long term.
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Rethink Technology Solutions
A hybrid workplace will drive different technology requirements.
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Enable Effective Collaboration
Employees are demanding improvements to virtual meetings and collaboration tools.
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Support Managers Leading Hybrid Teams
Managers are looking for tools and techniques to help them better lead and manage hybrid teams.
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I need to assess the role's suitability for remote work.
HR's role is to design a remote-work program, but you can't do it alone. Collaborate with your colleagues in IT and across the business to identify and act on lessons learned about remote work during the pandemic.
Use the Sustain Work-From-Home in the New Normal blueprint to jump-start your review.
Optimize Remote Work
Establish a planned, integrated, and supported work-from-home program for your business that maximizes the benefits of flexibility while supporting organizational and employee needs.
Identify the suitability of work units and roles to work remotely.
Use this catalog to identify policies and practices that need to be modified to support remote work.
Determine whether work-from-anywhere is appropriate for your organization.
Provide employees with tips to create a healthy and safe workspace at home.
Develop a flexible work program that balances employer and employee needs on a range of flexible work options: location of work, working hours, job sharing, and more.
Employee safety comes first. Provide employees with these tips to ensure their home workspace is safe.
Reference this report for additional statistics on hybrid work in IT to help create the case for maintaining or offering hybrid work options in your organization.

We will have different technology requirements as a hybrid workplace.
Network traffic patterns, device requirements, and security threats will change as employees are able to work both onsite and from home.
Use this research to address technology challenges such as desk hoteling and to create a mobile device policy.
Rethink Technology Solutions
Review these reports to make data-driven purchase decisions on software that can support your hybrid workplace and HR team.
Consult this primer for what you need to know about facilities, IT infrastructure, maintenance, security, and vendor solutions for desk hoteling and hot-desking.
Document your mobile device policy.
Follow these best practices to govern, configure, manage, and use Microsoft Teams more effectively.
Create a policy that outlines how files should be stored and shared with employees working both remotely and in the office.

Employees are demanding improvements to virtual meetings and collaboration tools.
Employees working from home don't want to go back to being a third wheel in project meetings.
Use this research to improve collaboration tools, processes, and meeting practices to meet the challenges of a hybrid workplace.
Enable Effective Collaboration
Develop norms, practices, and supporting technologies that enable effective collaboration, whether the meeting is in-person, remote, or hybrid.
Maximize effective communication in hybrid and remote teams by providing them with a template to document communication expectations and guidelines.
Deliver a streamlined set of tools that users need with support and training that continues after deployment.
Support informal virtual communication for remote workers, for a variety of needs, and across a range of technologies.
Create an online community that supports participant-led knowledge sharing.
Create and roll out a flexible RTO policy that balances organizational and employee needs.
Create and implement targeted solutions with an HR-led approach for collaboration throughout the organization.
Use training to improve collaboration by supporting the development of employee networks across the organization.
Consult this flowchart to help determine when a meeting should be virtual, in-person, or hybrid.
Use Info-Tech's Three C's of Enterprise Collaboration framework to help buyers effectively navigate the collaboration software marketspace.

Managers want better tools to help them lead and manage hybrid teams.
Make the move from stop-gaps to long-term solutions for managing remote staff and hybrid teams.
Use this research to understand and overcome management challenges in a hybrid workplace.
Support Managers Leading Hybrid Teams
Conduct customizable management training sessions on managing remote teams.
Give managers an onboarding checklist for welcoming a new remote worker to their team.
Set hybrid work up for success by providing managers with the tools they need to lead within the new work model.
Help managers keep their team's traditions alive in a hybrid environment to sustain culture and support team bonding.
Communication is even more important in a hybrid environment. Train employees in foundational communication skills.
Trust is critical in a hybrid work environment. Train managers how to lead by building trust and reinforcing accountability.
Managing poor performance can be difficult, and even more so when doing it in a hybrid work environment. Train managers on how to identify and address performance issues with their employees.
Provide managers with a quick refresher on key aspects of effectively managing direct reports in a hybrid environment.
Train managers to build, maintain, and rebuild engagement in a hybrid world with their direct reports and teams using trust-building, communication, empathy, and emotional intelligence.