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Wellbeing Vendor Selection Guide

Use this guide to select a wellbeing vendor that meets the organization's wellbeing needs and challenges.

Curated Learning Focus Group Guide

Use this guide to facilitate focus groups designed to understand learners' needs.

Learning Content Curator

The Learning Content Curator sources, organizes, and distributes high-quality, relevant learning content to employees, often hosted on multiple platforms and delivered...

Salary Administration Guidelines

Use this template to establish salary controls in order to avoid salary pain in the future.

Point Factor Tool

Use this tool to help you implement the point-factor method for job evaluation within your organization.

Design a Base Pay Structure Storyboard

A defined approach to base pay is essential to boost employee engagement and increase employee attraction and retention. Create a base pay structure that is defensible,...

Design a Base Pay Structure Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case to your executive team for designing a defensible, competitive, flexible, and practical base pay structure.

Base Pay Structure Tool

Create a base pay structure that is internally and externally equitable by balancing the internal job worth hierarchy with external market competitiveness.

Pay Transparency and Communications Plan

Develop a pay transparency strategy that suits your organization and draft a communications plan that aligns to your strategic objectives.

Case Studies: Base Pay Structure

A defined approach to base pay is essential to boost employee engagement and increase employee attraction and retention. Read these case studies to learn how these...
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