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Social Media Policy

Use this template to create a robust and comprehensive social media policy to protect your organization from liability and mitigate potential risks.

Employee Ambassador Guidelines

Use this template to establish content standards and communicate program details to employees.

Move Toward Neuro-Friendly HR Practices Infographic

Use this infographic to ensure your HR practices are increasingly and consistently neuro-friendly.

Anti-Corruption Policy Template

An Anti-Corruption Policy protects the organization against high risk, particularly if the business operates in foreign jurisdictions, interacts significantly with...

Non-Solicitation Policy Template

A non-solicitation policy protects the organization by restricting individuals and other external organizations from soliciting employees, customers, or business...

Corporate Communications Policy Template

A Corporate Communications Policy seeks to promote a positive brand image, consistent with an organization’s business vision and mission. This document serves to define...

Team Charter Template

This template should be used to create a charter for your team. The charter formally outlines details including the team’s objectives, team membership, team ground rules,...

Pandemic Policy

This template provides a framework for a comprehensive policy in the case of a pandemic breakout within your region and the business continuity guidelines that can be set...

Office Supplies Policy

Managing common supplies is too important to the functioning of any office. Set clear expectations and procedures in a well-crafted office supplies policy.

Hardware and Software Purchase Policy

Defining hardware and software requirements and purchasing procedures is integral to the management of your organization's assets. Clear the confusion by implementing a...
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