Tools & Templates

Change Framing Template

Use this template to document a change overview.

Change Action and Communication Plan

Use this tool to establish clear action steps and communications to implement a change.

Change FAQ Template

Use this template to outline a list of frequently asked questions for leaders who will spearhead the change.

Change Training Session Feedback Form

Use this form to gather feedback from participants on the Lead Through Change training session.

Sample Change Survey Questions Guide

Use a change survey to gather feedback on the entire change process.

Social Media Metrics Tracking Tool

Use this tool to evaluate social media efforts and identify areas for improvement in posted content and across media channels by recording key metrics performance.

Editorial Calendar Template

Use this template to determine the type of content to be shared across social media platforms, assign content authors, and schedule content posts.

HR Social Media Plan

Use this template to document social media goals, evaluate current social media practices, and record guidelines.

Social Media Boolean Search Tool

Use this tools to customize, create, and execute Boolean search strings for a variety of roles and platforms.

Coaching Training Session Feedback Form

Use this evaluation form to gather participant feedback on training at the conclusion of the session in order to improve content and facilitation of future sessions.
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