Tools & Templates

Centralization Diagnostic Tool

Use this tool to help determine the degree of centralization required to meet business goals.

TA Role Catalog

Use this catalog to view examples of TA jobs and become familiar with the activities that commonly fall under them.

TA Structure Workbook

Use this workbook to document key information about the current and future state, design principles, TA activities, jobs, and reporting structure.

TA Headcount Guide

Use this guide to help inform the required quantity of positions for each job.

TA Structure Presentation Template

Use this presentation template to create a customized presentation.

TA Headcount Calculator

Use this calculator to assist with headcount calculations based on target requisitions.

TA Structure Catalog

Use this catalog to view examples of various TA structures.

Personal Network Analysis Tool

Use this tool to assess the diversity of your personal network at work.

Collaboration Ideas Catalog

Use this catalog to explore solutions that can increase collaboration across functions or departments.

Catalyze Cross-Functional Collaboration Worksheet

Use this tool to identify solutions that are applicable to your organization and record a description of your chosen solutions.
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