
Embed Inclusion Into the Organization's Culture

Blueprint: Culture

The positive impacts of workforce diversity have resulted in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) becoming a strategic priority for competitive organizations. However, organizations often concentrate their efforts on increasing diversity, missing the full benefits that cannot be realized...

Diversity on its own will not create inclusion.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Workbook. tools-and-templates. Culture. Inclusion equality equity fairness performance discrimination D&I empower innovative employee lifecycle organizational strategy inclusive environment financial gains vision diverse workforce ethnic diversity people with disabilities diversity in the workplace inclusive culture How to develop inclusion diversity and inclusion strategy diversity and inclusion inclusion strategy culture of inclusion inclusivity inclusion resources inclusion behaviors inclusive behaviors inclusive workplace create inclusion create inclusive workplaces microaggression ERG employee resource groups how to address privilege in the workplace inequities equitable workplace equity in the workplace belonging in workplace inclusive leadership systemic inequalities DEI diversity equity and inclusion diversity equity and belonging DIB belonging belongingness oppression work practices privilege power organizational culture. positive working environment Document organizational data complex topic employee experiences focus groups key themes external landscape strategic pillars relevant goals success metrics governance framework DEI initiatives The Diversity Inclusion Workbook Inclusion strategy Equity car. Use this workbook to document key information and decisions while developing the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion strategy.. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is a complex topic that require care and thought to ensure it supports a positive working environment and does not undermine employee experiences. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Workbook will help you to:Document organizational data and analysis.Record the results of your focus groups and including key themes and employee experiences. Guide the assessment of the external landscape. Articulate the purpose, strategic pillars, relevant goals, and success metrics of DEI. Review and document the organization's governance framework.Document selected DEI initiatives, responsibilities, and milestones to track the progress of the strategy.Use this workbook to develop the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion strategy..

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Workbook

Tools And Templates: Culture

Use this workbook to document key information and decisions while developing the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion strategy.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives Catalog

Tools And Templates: Culture

Use this catalog to evaluate and select an appropriate mixture of DEI approaches to address the needs to the organization and its employees.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategy Presentation Template

Tools And Templates: Culture

Use this template to develop a stakeholder presentation explaining the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion strategy.

Inclusive Work Practices Template

Tools And Templates: Culture

Use this template to evaluate and customize work practices with leaders.

Inclusive Work Practices Examples

Tools And Templates: Culture

Use this template to review ideas of inclusive HR work practices and inclusion nudges.

Create a People-First Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategy

Blueprint: Culture

Most organizations recognize that there are a number of benefits that come from being inclusive to diverse groups of employees. However, despite the implementation of numerous diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, organizations are still having trouble with making progress.

Build a sustainable DEI strategy by focusing on real people’s experiences to uncover and address systemic inequities.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Assessment. tools-and-templates. Culture. Inclusion equality equity fairness performance discrimination D&I empower innovative employee lifecycle organizational strategy inclusive environment financial gains vision diverse workforce ethnic diversity people with disabilities diversity in the workplace inclusive culture How to develop inclusion diversity and inclusion strategy diversity and inclusion inclusion strategy culture of inclusion inclusivity inclusion resources inclusion behaviors inclusive behaviors inclusive workplace create inclusion create inclusive workplaces microaggression ERG employee resource groups how to address privilege in the workplace inequities equitable workplace equity in the workplace belonging in workplace inclusive leadership systemic inequalities DEI diversity equity and inclusion diversity equity and belonging DIB belonging belongingness oppression work practices privilege power organizational culture. current status current state Inclusion Assessment DEI data organizational factors issues Diversity Equity tool level importanceUnderstand improvement efforts. Use this assessment to understand the issues that are impacting your organization's diversity, equity, and inclusion, and to identify areas to focus on for improving DEI.. Understand the issues the organization is facing by using the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Assessment to evaluate DEI data. This tool will help you:Assess current status of organizational factors and their level of importanceUnderstand which factors require improvement, which to evaluate, which to maintain, and which to leverageUse this assessment to evaluate the current state of DEI and where the organization should focus efforts to improve..

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Assessment

Tools And Templates: Culture

Use this assessment to understand the issues that are impacting your organization's diversity, equity, and inclusion, and to identify areas to focus on for improving DEI.

LMS Download: Foundations of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Tools And Templates: Culture

This interactive eLearning module targets the Foundation of Diversity & Inclusion and is intended to interact seamlessly with your business’s existing learning management systems.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Primer

Tools And Templates: Culture

Use this guide to gain an understanding of key DEI concepts such as allyship, intersectionality, and privilege. Use the primer as a reference as you work through the creation of the DEI strategy.

Job Aid: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Talent Acquisition

Tools And Templates: Talent Acquisition

Use this job aid to select talent acquisition-specific diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.

Job Aid: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Survey Communications Strategy

Tools And Templates: Culture

McLean & Company’s DEI surveys help you discover DEI issues, learn about unique experiences, and uncover the most meaningful changes that employees want to see.

Role Plays: Equip Managers to Adopt Inclusive Leadership Behaviors

Tools And Templates: Culture

Use these role play scenarios during manager training on inclusive leadership behaviors to give managers the opportunity to put their learning into action.

Handbook: Equip Managers to Adopt Inclusive Leadership Behaviors

Tools And Templates: Culture

Use the participant handbook as a resource for participants to reference during and after the Equip Managers to Adopt Inclusive Leadership Behaviors training session.

Foundations of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Blueprint: Learning & Development

This interactive eLearning module targets the Foundation of Diversity & Inclusion and is intended to interact seamlessly with your business’s existing learning management systems.

Prepare managers to instill inclusive practices in their role.

Learning in Action – Foundations of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. tools-and-templates. Culture. Inclusion equality equity fairness performance discrimination D&I empower innovative employee lifecycle organizational strategy inclusive environment financial gains vision diverse workforce ethnic diversity people with disabilities diversity in the workplace inclusive culture How to develop inclusion diversity and inclusion strategy diversity and inclusion inclusion strategy culture of inclusion inclusivity inclusion resources inclusion behaviors inclusive behaviors inclusive workplace create inclusion create inclusive workplaces microaggression ERG employee resource groups how to address privilege in the workplace inequities equitable workplace equity in the workplace belonging in workplace inclusive leadership systemic inequalities DEI diversity equity and inclusion diversity equity and belonging DIB belonging belongingness oppression work practices privilege power organizational culture LMS learning management system online learning eLearning e-learning LMS instruction. Inclusion LMS Download inclusive behaviors action sheet key points employees diversity equity DEI learning Foundations. Use this learning in action sheet to summarize key points from the Foundations of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion LMS Download.. Train employees to understand diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and practice inclusive behaviors. Use this learning in action sheet to summarize key points from the Foundations of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion LMS Download..

Learning in Action – Foundations of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Tools And Templates: Culture

Use this learning in action sheet to summarize key points from the Foundations of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion LMS Download.

Equip Managers to Recruit Quality Staff

Blueprint: Learning & Development

Misalignment between HR and hiring managers on talent acquisition processes are causing inefficiencies. Improve alignment and talent acquisition quality equipping hiring managers with competency-based interviewing skills and knowledge of their role in talent acquisition.

Prepare managers to effectively contribute to the talent acquisition process.

Inclusive Hiring: A Guide for Managers. tools-and-templates. Learning & Development. Inclusive hiring inclusivity diverse talent inclusive sourcing inclusive talent assessment inclusive interview practices. Inclusive recruitment inclusive leadership practices inclusive selection inclusive candidate experience diversity hiring candidate diversity search committee tips inclusive hiring tips diversity equity and inclusion in talent acquisition mitigate bias in hiring. inclusive recruitment practices recruitment process selection panels search committees team members purpose guide managers interview stage. Use this guide in conjunction with the Equip Managers to Recruit Quality Staff training or as a standalone resource for tips on inclusive hiring for managers. . The purpose of this guide is to enable hiring managers, interview or selection panels, or search committees to adopt inclusive recruitment practices at every stage of the recruitment process. Download and distribute this guide to hiring team members involved in the recruitment process. .

Inclusive Hiring: A Guide for Managers

Tools And Templates: Learning & Development

Use this guide in conjunction with the Equip Managers to Recruit Quality Staff training or as a standalone resource for tips on inclusive hiring for managers.

How to Be an Ally

Blueprint: Learning & Development

Give employees the knowledge and tools they need to be allies in the workplace. The How to Be an Ally training deck learning objectives include defining allyship and related core concepts, recognizing allyship accountabilities, and learning how to practice allyship behaviors.

Equip employees with the knowledge and skills they need to be allies to their colleagues.

How to Be an Ally Handbook. tools-and-templates. Learning & Development. diversity inclusion equity equality systemic racism racism institutional racism structural racism intersectionality diversity and inclusion policies BIPOC allyship microaggressions discrimination prejudice. conceptual modelsActivity templates Key concepts Ally Handbook training exercisesDistribute guide participants How definitionsFrameworks handout resource. Use this handbook to take notes and participate in activities during training on allyship and as a reference post-training.. This handbook serves as a guide for participants to use during and after training. The How to be an Ally Handbook includes:Key concepts and definitionsFrameworks and conceptual modelsActivity templates for training exercisesDistribute this handout to participants as a resource during the training..

How to Be an Ally Handbook

Tools And Templates: Learning & Development

Use this handbook to take notes and participate in activities during training on allyship and as a reference post-training.

Learning in Action – How to Be an Ally

Tools And Templates: Culture

Use this learning in action sheet to summarize key points from the Allyship Foundations LMS Download.

How to Be an Ally – Allyship Foundations

Blueprint: Learning & Development

This interactive eLearning module targets the foundations of allyship and is intended to interact seamlessly with your business’s existing learning management systems.

Help employees learn what it means to be an ally.

LMS Download: How to Be an Ally – Allyship Foundations. tools-and-templates. Culture. diversity inclusion equity equality systemic racism racism institutional racism structural racism intersectionality diversity and inclusion policies BIPOC allyship microaggressions discrimination prejudice allyship training D&I training D&I training in the workplace LMS learning management system online learning eLearning e-learning LMS instruction LMS Download. Allyship Foundations eLearning Module learning management system LMS module relevant templates online training core concepts employees learners privilege Practice opportunities documents. This interactive eLearning module targets the foundations of allyship and is intended to interact seamlessly with your business’s existing learning management systems.. Train employees on concepts that will help them to understand what allyship means. The How to Be an Ally – Allyship Foundations eLearning Module teaches learners to:Define core concepts related to being an ally.Reflect on their privilege.Practice identifying opportunities for allyship.Upload this LMS module as well as all relevant templates and documents into your learning management system to enable online training. .

LMS Download: How to Be an Ally – Allyship Foundations

Tools And Templates: Culture

This interactive eLearning module targets the foundations of allyship and is intended to interact seamlessly with your business’s existing learning management systems.

How to Be an Ally – Allyship in Action

Blueprint: Learning & Development

This interactive eLearning module targets key behaviors of allyship and is intended to interact seamlessly with your business’s existing learning management systems.

Equip employees with the knowledge and tools to practice allyship in the workplace.

LMS Download: How to Be an Ally – Allyship in Action. tools-and-templates. Culture. diversity inclusion equity equality systemic racism racism institutional racism structural racism intersectionality diversity and inclusion policies BIPOC allyship microaggressions discrimination prejudice allyship training D&I training D&I training in the workplace LMS learning management system online learning eLearning e-learning LMS instruction lms download. learning management system Action eLearning Module LMS module different situations relevant templates online training allyship behaviors employees strategies tools colleagues workplace learners plan role organization documents. This interactive eLearning module targets key behaviors of allyship and is intended to interact seamlessly with your business’s existing learning management systems. . Train employees on behaviors, strategies, and tools that can help them become an ally to their colleagues in the workplace. The How to Be an Ally – Allyship in Action eLearning Module teaches learners to:Recognize allyship behaviors.Practice allyship behaviors in different situations.Create a plan to practice allyship behaviors in their role and within their organization.Upload this LMS module as well as all relevant templates and documents into your learning management system to enable online training. .

LMS Download: How to Be an Ally – Allyship in Action

Tools And Templates: Culture

This interactive eLearning module targets key behaviors of allyship and is intended to interact seamlessly with your business’s existing learning management systems.

Equip Managers to Adopt Inclusive Leadership Behaviors

Blueprint: Culture

Inclusion refers to an environment of mutual respect where differences are actively welcomed. Creating an inclusive environment is not a one and done exercise. It requires ongoing accountability, focus and behavior change. Managers play a critical role in the development of an inclusive culture...

Give your managers the tools to create an inclusive workplace environment.

Learning in Action – Adopt Inclusive Leadership Behaviors. tools-and-templates. Learning & Development. HR process internal process organizational process manager training train managers leadership training Inclusion equality equity fairness performance discrimination D&I empower innovative employee lifecycle organizational strategy inclusive environment financial gains vision diverse workforce ethnic diversity people with disabilities diversity in the workplace inclusive culture unconscious bias training diversity inclusive leadership leadership development bias training inclusive inclusion behaviors Training Deck DEI inclusive behaviors inclusive practices. core inclusive behaviors key concepts training session managers learning action. Use this one-pager learning reinforcement to summarize key points from the Equip Managers to Adopt Inclusive Leadership Behaviors training deck.. Help your managers retain and apply key concepts from the training session. Share this learning in action to reinforce core inclusive behaviors they can put into action..

Learning in Action – Adopt Inclusive Leadership Behaviors

Tools And Templates: Learning & Development

Use this one-pager learning reinforcement to summarize key points from the Equip Managers to Adopt Inclusive Leadership Behaviors training deck.

Adopt Inclusive Leadership Behaviors

Blueprint: Learning & Development

This interactive eLearning module helps managers build inclusive leadership skills. It is intended to interact seamlessly with your organization's existing learning management system.

Equip leaders with the tools to foster a more inclusive environment.

LMS Download: Adopt Inclusive Leadership Behaviors. tools-and-templates. Culture. HR process internal process organizational process manager training train managers leadership training Inclusion equality equity fairness performance discrimination D&I empower innovative employee lifecycle organizational strategy inclusive environment financial gains vision diverse workforce ethnic diversity people with disabilities diversity in the workplace inclusive culture unconscious bias training diversity inclusive leadership leadership development bias training inclusive inclusion behaviors  LMS learning management system eLearning LMS Download. The Adopt Inclusive Leadership Behaviors eLearning Module learning management system LMS module inclusive environment Train managers thinking processes personal experience online training inclusion practices explanation impact Strategies Opportunities Activities. This interactive eLearning module helps managers build inclusive leadership skills. It is intended to interact seamlessly with your organization's existing learning management system.. Train managers to embed inclusion into their practices. The Adopt Inclusive Leadership Behaviors eLearning Module includes:An explanation of thinking processes and their impact.Strategies to create an inclusive environment.Opportunities to reflect on personal experience.Activities to reinforce learning and apply inclusive leadership behaviors.Upload this LMS module into your learning management system to enable online training. .

LMS Download: Adopt Inclusive Leadership Behaviors

Tools And Templates: Culture

This interactive eLearning module helps managers build inclusive leadership skills. It is intended to interact seamlessly with your organization's existing learning management system.