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Case Studies: Build a Change Sustainment Plan

Refer to these case studies for examples of sustained change initiatives.

Sustainment Plan Workbook

Use this workbook to document key project information, the sustainment plan, and a framework to evaluate progress.

Build a Change Sustainment Plan Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case for creating a sustainment plan in order to improve change adoption.

Build a Change Sustainment Plan Storyboard

Organizations need to plan for change sustainment beyond the launch of the change. Involve key leaders in sustainment planning from the start, as leaders need to lead...

Build a Change Sustainment Plan

Organizations invest a lot resources into change initiatives, but don’t see the return on investment. Download our research guide to develop sustainable change.
  • guided implementation icon

Change Assessment Tool

Use this tool to assess the upcoming change and to identify areas of strength and opportunity.

Focus Group Data Template

Use this tool to organize focus group session notes and code the responses.

Risk Management on the Go – Infographic

This infographic provides leaders with a key takeaway for assessing risk in the moment. It encourages them to continually slide their risk scales to help clarify their...

Risk Analysis Framework Tool

HR professionals should share this tool with leaders of leaders to help structure the way they reflect on current risks to their portfolios by identifying existing...

Adopt Risk-Taking and Management Strategies – Learning Guide

HR professionals should share this guide with leaders of leaders to provide tangible ideas on how they can approach risk taking and management as an ongoing, dynamic...
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