HR Strategy
Types of Content
Research Snapshot: Create an HR StrategyUse this research snapshot to focus HR resources where they will have the greatest organizational impact. |
Preview: HR Trends Report 2025This Preview provides an early view into the full HR Trends Report 2025, which will examine key trends that will shape the HR landscape in 2025 and beyond. |
HR Trends Report 2025 PreviewThis preview provides an early view into the full HR Trends Report 2025, which will examine key trends that will shape the HR landscape in 2025 and beyond. |
Workshop Overview: Create an HR StrategyEngage McLean & Company facilitators to lead your team through the Create an HR Strategy online workshop. |
Introduction to Contingent Work Executive BriefingUse this briefing to make the case for customizing HR programs for a contingent workforce to the executive team. |
Introduction to Contingent Work StoryboardThe Introduction to Contingent Work Storyboard explores the unique contingent worker experience and helps HR navigate the customization of HR programs for a contingent... |
Introduction to Contingent WorkUse this guide to inform HR program customizations to reflect the contingent worker experience and unlock mutual benefits for organizations and individuals. |
Contingent Work Planning TemplateUse this planning template to document key notes on contingent work arrangements and customized HR programs, as needed. |
Guide to Building and Communicating Your CHRO Strategy for a Public Health CrisisThis CHRO strategy guide provides a nine-step planning methodology to prioritize action & communicate with your executive team during a public health crisis. |
Guide to Building and Communicating Your CHRO Strategy for a Public Health Crisis StoryboardThis CHRO strategy guide provides a nine-step planning methodology to prioritize action & communicate with your executive team during a public health crisis. |