Talent Management - Storyboard

Neuroscience and HR Storyboard

Neuroscience provides hard evidence for the importance of soft skills in HR. Use it to show stakeholders how people practices affect the bottom line.

Develop an Impactful High-Potential Program Storyboard

A hi-po program purposefully identifies employees and provides them with targeted development. However, a lack of clarity around the hi-po definition leads to the wrong...

Implement a Job Rotation Program Storyboard

Give employees a better perspective of the organization and alleviate job dissatisfaction and monotony though a job rotation program that builds key capabilities. 

Design a High-Value Succession Planning Program Storyboard

Only 45% of HR professionals report that their organization has a succession plan. Of those, only 21% reported having a formal succession plan. (SHRM, 2021). Use this...

Training Deck: Delegate and Build Accountability

Use this training deck to equip managers to delegate tasks effectively and build accountability with employees through Informed Trust Model.

Training Deck: Build Trust as a Leader

Use this training deck to train managers to build trusting relationships with employees through applying five fundamental trust behaviors.

Uncover and Market Internal Career Path Opportunities Storyboard

Drive engagement, retention, and the organization's EVP with a career path program that enables employees to forge their own path.

Identify Skills of the Future Storyboard

Not having skills available when they are needed can negatively affect a company’s performance. Proactively planning to develop future skills, rather than reacting to the...

Preparing for an Internal Talent Marketplace Storyboard

Learn more about internal talent marketplaces and review key considerations around their design, the technology, and the change that comes with their implementation to...

Use Talent Pools to Support Flexibility in Succession Planning

Increase bench strength and responsiveness to planned and unplanned vacancies.
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