Talent Acquisition
Types of Content
Standard Focus Group GuideUse this guide to gain deeper understanding of challenges and the effectiveness of current practices through focus groups. |
Develop a Targeted Flexible Work Program Executive BriefingUse this briefing to make the case for a flexible work program that provides a better work/life balance for employees. |
Case Studies: Develop a Targeted Flexible Work ProgramRefer to these case studies for examples of develop a targeted flexible work program. |
Guide to Flexible Work for Managers and EmployeesUse this tool to guide managers through the flexible work program. |
Employee Ambassador Program GuideLeverage the power of employee voice on social media. |
Employee Ambassador Program Details and GuidelinesUse this template to document and share your social media guidelines and ambassador program details. |
Case Studies: Uncover the Employee Value PropositionRefer to these case studies for examples of ways to uncover the employee value proposition. |
Elevate Talent Sourcing StoryboardExternal pressures have made sourcing talent increasingly challenging. Passive sourcing practices of the past are no longer enough to fill pipelines and find quality... |
Elevate Talent Sourcing Executive BriefingUse this briefing to make the case for elevating talent sourcing activities and channels to the executive team. |
Sourcing Plan TemplateUse this template to provide Talent Acquisition Specialists with a sourcing plan to customize. |