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Case Studies: Develop an Employee Listening Strategy

Refer to these case studies for examples of employee listening strategies.

Employee Listening Strategy Calendar Template

Use this calendar template to document the frequency and timing of employee listening efforts.

Employee Listening Strategy Workbook

Use this workbook to document key information about the driving need and purpose statement, outline the steering committee, strategic connections, create a listening...

Develop an Employee Listening Strategy

Develop a purposeful employee listening strategy that results in meaningful action and ensures alignment with organizational strategies and employee needs.
  • guided implementation icon

Employee Listening Channels Catalog

Use the Employee Listening Channels Catalog to identify specific channels for feedback between employees and the organization.

Employee Listening Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case for a developing an employee listening strategy to the executive team.

Develop an Employee Listening Strategy Storyboard

Although many organizations understand the importance of employee listening, employees still don’t feel heard. Develop a purposeful listening strategy to ensure listening...

Learning in Action: Elevate HR Credibility and Influence

Use this Learning in Action sheet to summarize key points from the Elevate HR Credibility and Influence training deck.

Role Plays: Practice Navigating Pushback From Leaders

Use the role plays to practice navigating pushback from leaders while applying a coach approach.

Handbook: Elevate HR Credibility and Influence

Use this handbook to reinforce core concepts of the training and write your thoughts and reflections.
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