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Succeed as a CHRO With a Leadership Development Program Executive BriefingUse this briefing to make the case to your executives to build CHRO competencies needed for today's work environment. |
Succeed as a CHRO With a Leadership Development Program StoryboardAs the world of work is changing, CHROs need to have the right competencies to support the organization, as well as grow as an executive. Proactively developing these... |
Succeed as a CHRO With a Leadership Development ProgramIndustry disruption, organizational complexity, technological changes, and external risks are continuing to change the world of work and, as a result, the role of the... |
Guide to Fostering Organizational CultureUse this guide to implement culture change. |
Executive Pre-Read: Culture Blueprint ReflectionUse this template to help facilitate in-depth reflection on how executives and senior leadership's behaviors support the desired culture. |
Culture Blueprint TemplateUse this template to summarize and holistically review the organization’s completed culture blueprint. |
Culture Blueprint Working DocumentUse this tool to draft and record decisions made about the organization’s culture blueprint. |
Culture Design Prompt ToolUse this tool to facilitate discussions and identify gaps around the organization's current and desired culture. |
Culture Assessment Working DocumentUse this tool to document key findings and insights uncovered during the culture assessment. |
Key Player Analysis ToolUse this tool to identify, analyze, and prioritize key players based on their level of influence, interest, and current level of support. Review the Key Player... |