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Handbook: Equip Managers to Conduct Effective Pay ConversationsUse this participant handbook as a resource for participants to reference during and after the Equip Managers to Conduct Effective Pay Conversations training. |
Conduct a Salary Assessment Executive BriefingUse this briefing to make the case for conducting a salary assessment to the executive team. |
Pay Equity Report SampleUse this sample report to gain ideas on how to structure your own pay equity report. |
Equip Managers to Effectively Manage Hybrid TeamsHybrid work arrangements are increasing, and in many organizations having hybrid team members is business as usual. Training managers to become more planful and adjust... |
Training Deck: Equip Managers to Effectively Manage Hybrid TeamsUse this training deck to conduct management training sessions on managing remote teams. Customize this training deck with your organization's internal processes to... |
Handbook: Equip Managers to Effectively Manage Hybrid TeamsUse this tool to guide participants through the Equip Managers to Effectively Manage Hybrid Teams training and position it as a reference after the training session. |
Demystify the Design Thinking MindsetWorkplaces are undergoing rapid changes and employees expect work experiences that fit seamlessly into their lives. Help managers learn to adopt a design thinking mindset... |
Training Deck: Demystify the Design Thinking MindsetUse this training deck to host training sessions for managers on applying a design thinking mindset to solve workplace problems. |
Handbook: Design Thinking MindsetThis handbook will allow participants to take notes and complete activities during the Demystify the Design Thinking Mindset training. |
Knowledge Check: Design ThinkingUse this knowledge check after training leaders on design thinking to assess their understanding of the content. |