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Executive Succession Planning Workbook

Use this workbook in conjunction with McLean & Company's Tailor Succession Planning for Executive Roles.

Craft a Compensation Philosophy

Employee compensation often comprises the majority of an organization’s ongoing operating expenses, yet few organizations have plans in place to direct and control this...
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Compensation Philosophy Worksheet

A Compensation Philosophy documents your organization’s governing principles for compensation programs and activities. Use the Compensation Philosophy Worksheet to assess...

Craft a Compensation Philosophy Executive Briefing

Use this executive briefing to make the case to your executive team for crafting a compensation philosophy.

Develop a Sound HR Business Case to Accelerate Buy-In

Many HR initiatives are complex and expensive and require a significant amount of planning to implement successfully. A financial business case is sometimes used to...
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Develop a Sound HR Business Case to Accelerate Buy-In Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case to your executive team that you should move forward with developing a business case.

Develop a Sound HR Business Case to Accelerate Buy-In Storyboard

Many HR initiatives are complex and expensive and require a significant amount of planning to implement successfully. Use this storyboard to build a business case for...

Full-Form HR Business Case Presentation Template

Use this template to present an end-to-end business case to executives for approval of your HR initiative.

Summary HR Business Case Presentation Template

Use this template to present a summary version of your HR initiative business case to executives for approval.

Case Studies: Develop a Sound HR Business Case to Accelerate Buy-In

Refer to these case studies for examples on how to develop a business case.
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