Tools & Templates
Goal Management Job AidUse the Goal Management Job Aid to further understand McLean & Company's goal management model. |
Performance Management Catalog for Wide Spans of ControlUse this catalog to tailor performance management for work environments with a wide span of control. |
Performance Review TemplateUse this template during each check-in meeting to capture accomplishments and feedback. |
Modern Performance Management Presentation TemplateUse this template to introduce the new PM framework to managers and employees. |
Team Dynamics HandbookThis workbook will guide team leaders through the four phases of the team lifecycle and allow participants to take notes and complete activities during Navigate Team... |
Employee Engagement Focus Group GuideUse this guide to assist in the facilitation of focus groups to select initiatives that address employee engagement drivers. |
Identify and Reengage Disengaged Employees – Manager GuideUse this guide to help managers support disengaged employees. |
Guide to Interpreting Your Overall Engagement ReportUse this guide to interpret team engagement score results and feedback. |
Engagement Initiative Card TemplateUse this template to track engagement initiative details and progress. |
Role Plays: Foster Effective Feedback in the WorkplaceUse these role play scenarios during employee and manager training on effective feedback skills to give them practice with all feedback actions and directions. |