Internship Program Workbook

Author(s): Jennifer Waxman, Alyssa Lampert, Grace Ewles

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Keep track of all information concerning the internship program, organize internship requests, and track progress toward program goals. Use the Internship Program Workbook to:

  • Record relevant organizational information and key insights from internal and external stakeholders.
  • Record intern interest based on the Intern Request Form and determine the most appropriate internship format.
  • Assess the function's readiness to host an intern and the impact of the intern on the function and organization to prioritize intern placements, program size and the timing.
  • Set goals and metrics to measure program success.
  • Outline stakeholder accountabilities.
  • Estimate the program budget.
  • Finalize external partners to work with based on the selection criteria and select sourcing methods to engage the intern audience.
  • Record any changes to the talent acquisition (TA) process for the internship program and key information regarding intern integration for each relevant internship format.

Use this template to develop the internship program and track results.

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