HR Strategy - Tools & Templates

Job Description Tracking Tool

Use this tool to evaluate the current state of job descriptions and track the progress of updating job descriptions.

Job Description Writing Guide

Use this template to outline the appropriate guidelines for managers using the tailored templates to populate job descriptions.

Process Mapping Guide

Use this guide to understand process mapping best practices.

Project Level Assessment and Prioritization Tool

Use this tool to assess risk and complexity of projects and prioritize them.

List of Change Management Projects

Use this tool to provide a high-level overview and tracking of all the change projects in progress within the organization.

HR Cost Optimization Workbook

Use this template to summarize and present key information related to HR department cost optimization to executives.

HR Cost Optimization Executive Presentation Template

Use this template to summarize and present key information related to HR department cost optimization to executives.

Short-Term Survival Segment Evaluation Tool

Use this tool to evaluate employee segments like roles or departments and determine which are most important to the organization's short and/or long-term viability.

Skills Inventory for Redeployment Tool

Use this tool to match employees with needed skills in order to redeploy employees.

Redeployment Action and Communication Plan

Use this template to develop a redeployment action plan and document messaging.
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