HR Strategy - Research Notes
Types of Content
Cost Optimization Initiatives CatalogUse this catalog to evaluate initiatives for reducing and/or optimizing costs. |
Optimize HR Costs Executive BriefingUse this briefing to make the case for implementing cost optimization initiatives to the executive team. |
Reduce HR Costs Presentation TemplateUse this presentation template to share current-state findings and cost optimization objectives to gain buy-in for the implementation of proposed initiatives. |
Reduce HR Costs Executive BriefingUse this briefing to make the case for implementing cost reduction initiatives to the executive team. |
Adverse Impact PrimerUse this primer to become familiar with adverse impact and understand how it affects organizational decision-making. |
Effectively Manage HR’s Work Executive BriefingUse this briefing to make the case for implementing methods to manage HR's work. |
HR Metrics and Analytics Selection GuideDetermining which metrics will inform action and effectively measure the benefits of HR services requires a thoughtful approach. |
HR Dashboards CatalogUse this catalog to pull data, visualizations, and storytelling together to create a dashboard. |
Customize HR Programs for a Global Workforce Executive BriefingUse this briefing to make the case for customizing HR programs to the executive team. |
CEO Succession PlanningThis guide provides an overview of the key dimensions to guide HR executives toward successfully developing, implementing, and reviewing a CEO succession plan. |