Change Management
Types of Content
Learning in Action: Equip Managers to Navigate the Change Management ProcessUse this learning in action sheet to reinforce key points from the change management process training deck. |
Develop a Resilient Workforce StoryboardA rapidly changing world of work affects all employees and demands a resilient workforce to adapt to its affects. However, resiliency isn't an inherited trait. Rather,... |
Develop a Resilient Workforce Executive BriefingUse this briefing to make the case for developing a resilient workforce to your executive team. |
Employee Resilience QuestionsUse this template for recommended questions to use in a resilience behaviors questionnaire. |
Employee Resilience WorkbookUse this workbook to capture insights, themes and needs from data analysis and document the resilience techniques selected for implementation in the organization. |
Resilience Techniques CatalogUse this catalog to explore and understand resilience reinforcement options to build out a portfolio of techniques. |
HR Resilience Interview GuideUse this guide to conduct one-on-one interviews with HR practitioners and uncover how resilience needs differ for HR. |
Case Studies: Develop a Resilient WorkforceRefer to these case studies for examples of organizations who have undertaken resilience building efforts. |
Neuroscience and HR StoryboardNeuroscience provides hard evidence for the importance of soft skills in HR. Use it to show stakeholders how people practices affect the bottom line. |
Case Studies: Neuroscience and HRThere are multiple ways to foster neuro-friendly practices in HR. The following case studies demonstrate examples of how organizations enhanced their performance... |