Work Environment

Dependent Care Flexibility Employee Guide

Use this tool to assess dependent care responsibilities and identify flexible work arrangements that enables employees to balance professional and personal responsibilities.

Tactics Catalog: Supporting Working Caregivers

Reference the tactics outlined in this catalog for ideas on how organizations can support employees with caregiving responsibilities, understand potential risks, and...

Four-Day Work Week Guide

Use this guide to support the implementation of a four-day work week.

Flexible Work Options Catalog

Use this tool to review flexible work options and create a shortlist for the feasibility assessment.

Targeted Flexible Work Program Workbook

Use this tool to document key information and decisions as you work through the Develop a Targeted Flexible Work Program research.

Develop a Targeted Flexible Work Program

Create a customized flexible work program based on the unique needs of employees to attract and retain talent.
  • guided implementation icon

Develop a Targeted Flexible Work Program Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case for a flexible work program that provides a better work/life balance for employees.

Case Studies: Develop a Targeted Flexible Work Program

Refer to these case studies for examples of develop a targeted flexible work program.

Guide to Flexible Work for Managers and Employees

Use this tool to guide managers through the flexible work program.

Flex Time Policy

Use this template to set guidelines and the scope for your flex time work options.
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