Employees are now expecting flexibility with work. Many organizations recognize this desire and the benefits of hybrid work but often overlook the complexity and...
Real-time feedback helps you track employee engagement throughout the year. Use McLean & Company’s EXM survey and dashboard to understand and address employee engagement...
Use this guide as a starting point to being actively anti-racist. It provides guidance for understanding the lived experiences of racialized persons and for confronting...
The pandemic introduced many to the importance of running meetings well, whether they are held in person, remotely, or in a hybrid delivery model. You have an opportunity...
Employee wellbeing is critical for organizational success. To leverage your wellbeing program's full potential, ensure there is uptake and awareness among employees.
Communication is the basis of relationships, especially within team settings where trust building becomes essential. Help managers of all levels develop their...
Exit survey data offers insight into the top drivers of turnover at your organization and provides departing employees with the opportunity to share feedback on...
McLean & Company’s New Hire Survey offers insight into the employee experience from the moment they first interact with your organization as a candidate through to their...
Managers play a significant role in employee engagement. In order to create impact, managers need strategies to address engagement challenges with their team. Train...
The positive impacts of workforce diversity have resulted in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) becoming a strategic priority for competitive organizations. However,...