HR Technology & Operations
Develop a Sound HR Business Case to Accelerate Buy-In Executive BriefingUse this briefing to make the case to your executive team that you should move forward with developing a business case. |
Develop a Sound HR Business Case to Accelerate Buy-In StoryboardMany HR initiatives are complex and expensive and require a significant amount of planning to implement successfully. Use this storyboard to build a business case for... |
Full-Form HR Business Case Presentation TemplateUse this template to present an end-to-end business case to executives for approval of your HR initiative. |
Summary HR Business Case Presentation TemplateUse this template to present a summary version of your HR initiative business case to executives for approval. |
Case Studies: Develop a Sound HR Business Case to Accelerate Buy-InRefer to these case studies for examples on how to develop a business case. |
Training Deck: Business Acumen for HR ProfessionalsTrain HR professionals to understand and apply the fundamentals of business acumen. Through understanding of the organization, its industry, operations, and financial... |
AI in HR PrimerUse this primer for guidance on the use of advanced technology in HR, such as artificial intelligence. |
Get the Best Value Possible With a Data-Driven Vendor Negotiation ApproachPrepare for vendor negotiations without needing to become an expert or getting overwhelmed. Leverage insights from real customers who have earned software discounts. |
Get the Best Value Possible With a Data-Driven Vendor Negotiation Approach StoryboardLeverage insights from SoftwareReviews data to best position yourself to receive a discount through your software negotiations. |
The Three C’s of Enterprise Collaboration SoftwareThis note outlines a Three C’s of Enterprise Collaboration framework to help buyers effectively navigate the collaboration software marketspace. |