Virtual work

Sustain Work-From-Home

Blueprint: Culture

Sustain WFH by creating a planned, integrated, and supported program that maximizes the benefits of flexibility while supporting both organizational and employee needs.

Job Aid: Work-From-Anywhere

Tools And Templates: Culture

Use this job aid to understand the benefits and challenges of WFA, assess WFA compatibility, and design a WFA option for your organization.

Idea Catalog: Sustain Work-From-Home

Tools And Templates: Culture

Use this catalog to ensure HR practices will support a long-term work-from-home program.

Idea Catalog: Foster Informal Relationships Virtually

Tools And Templates: Culture

Use this catalog to select ideas to foster informal relationships in a virtual environment.

Sustained WFH Workbook

Tools And Templates: Culture

Use this workbook to document key information and decisions when planning for the sustained work-from-home program.

How to Prioritize Your Work When Everything Feels Important

Blueprint: Learning & Development

There are lots of challenges that we encounter, especially in today’s hybrid working world, that can make prioritization difficult. Use this microlearning to explore practical ways to successfully manage your time and tasks.

Microlearning: How to Prioritize Your Work When Everything Feels Important

Tools And Templates: Learning & Development

There are lots of challenges that we encounter, especially in today’s hybrid working world, that can make prioritization difficult. Use this microlearning to explore practical ways to successfully manage your time and tasks.

Effective Virtual Meetings

Blueprint: Learning & Development

Learn what to do before, during, and after a virtual meeting to ensure it is an effective use of everyone’s time.

Microlearning: Effective Virtual Meetings

Tools And Templates: Culture

Learn what to do before, during, and after a virtual meeting to ensure it is an effective use of everyone’s time.

Equip Managers to Maintain Employee Engagement in a Hybrid World

Blueprint: Learning & Development

Train managers to navigate and resolve the challenges of building and maintaining employee engagement in a hybrid world. Download our manager training deck today.

Participant Handbook: Maintain Employee Engagement in a Hybrid World

Tools And Templates: Learning & Development

This handbook will allow participants to take notes and complete activities during the Maintain Employee Engagement in a Hybrid World training.

Run Better Meetings

Blueprint: Culture

The pandemic introduced many to the importance of running meetings well, whether they are held in person, remotely, or in a hybrid delivery model. You have an opportunity to empower the business by improving meetings: a challenge that touches on IT, HR, and the business.

Run a Virtual or Hybrid Meeting Checklist

Tools And Templates: Culture

A handy, one-page reference for your employees to help them run better virtual and hybrid meetings.

Meeting Type Decision Flowchart

Tools And Templates: Culture

Use this decision tool to choose between scheduling an onsite, virtual, or hybrid meeting.

Meeting Challenges and Best Practices

Tools And Templates: Culture

Identify your organization's key meeting challenges and best practices to fix them.

Equip Managers to Effectively Manage Virtual Teams

Blueprint: Learning & Development

Hybrid work arrangements are increasing, and in many organizations having hybrid team members is business as usual. Training managers to become more planful and adjust behaviors can positively impact engagement and the productivity of their hybrid teams.

Work-From-Home Tips for Employees

Tools And Templates: Culture

Provide employees with this infographic to help them remain productive while balancing work and life in a remote work environment.

Work-From-Home Tips for Managers

Tools And Templates: Culture

Provide managers with this infographic to help them maintain productivity and support their teams as they work remotely.

Ergonomic Workspaces Infographic

Tools And Templates: Culture

Moving to a work-from-home arrangement comes with many changes – including changing your physical workspace. Provide employees with tips to create a healthy and safe workspace at home.

Launch Emergency Work-From-Home

Tools And Templates: Culture

Prepare to support a remote workforce during a crisis. Use this guide to plan and implement work-from-home measures across your organization.

Use this guide to plan and implement work-from-home measures across your organization.

Develop a Targeted Flexible Work Program

Blueprint: Culture

Create a customized flexible work program based on the unique needs of employees to attract and retain talent.

Guide to Flexible Work for Managers and Employees

Tools And Templates: Total Rewards

Use this tool to guide managers through the flexible work program.

Flexible Work Arrangement Agreement

Tools And Templates: Culture

Use this template to document and formalize the agreed upon work hours, remote work norms, locations, performance expectations, and any other changes required to accommodate individual flexible work arrangements.

Prepare People Leaders for the Hybrid Work Environment

Blueprint: Culture

Employees are now expecting flexibility with work. Many organizations recognize this desire and the benefits of hybrid work but often overlook the complexity and adjustments required to how work gets done.

People Leadership in a Hybrid Environment Workbook

Tools And Templates: Culture

Use this workbook to capture key information and decisions while working through a plan for hybrid team leaders.

Tips for Managing a Hybrid Team

Tools And Templates: Culture

Use this resource to keep advice for hybrid people managers top of mind and accessible in the moment.

Organizational Retirement Preparation Guide

Blueprint: Talent Management

Retirement is a complex process for organizations to navigate. The Organizational Retirement Preparation Guide provides HR departments with guides and templates and the necessary information to ensure a smooth transition for retiring employees.

Skills Inventory Tool

Tools And Templates: Talent Management

Use this tool to document the skills that exist in the workforce.

Embed Inclusion Into the Organization's Culture

Blueprint: Culture

The positive impacts of workforce diversity have resulted in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) becoming a strategic priority for competitive organizations. However, organizations often concentrate their efforts on increasing diversity, missing the full benefits that cannot be realized...

Inclusive Work Practices Template

Tools And Templates: Culture

Use this template to evaluate and customize work practices with leaders.