Talent Management

Research Snapshot: ​​​​​​​​Develop a Talent Management Framework

Use this research snapshot to break down silos with an integrated talent management model.

Develop Core and Leadership Competencies Storyboard

Core and leadership competencies provide organizations and their employees with a common understanding of the knowledge, skills, attributes, and behaviors required to...

Neuroscience and HR Storyboard

Neuroscience provides hard evidence for the importance of soft skills in HR. Use it to show stakeholders how people practices affect the bottom line.

Design and Build a Strategic Workforce Planning Toolkit Storyboard

The nature of work is rapidly changing. Prepare to address changing needs by creating a workforce planning process that addresses critical talent needs in the organization.

Job Family Summary Template

Use this template to capture job-related information for job families.

Create a People-First Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategy Storyboard

A people-first diversity, equity, and inclusion strategy sets the stage to address systemic issues that undermine the employee experience.

Strategically Develop a 360 Feedback Process Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case for a strategic 360 feedback process to the executive team.

Modernize Performance Management Storyboard

Modernize performance management by selecting and customizing the following building blocks to meet your organization’s needs: process, goal setting, competencies,...

Modernize Performance Management Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case to your executives to implement a modern performance management framework.

Develop an Effective Talent Retention Plan Storyboard

Use this blueprint to build retention plans based on the analysis of employee data and feedback to identify key reasons for their departure.
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