Internal Talent Mobility

Individual Talent Profile Template

Use this template to assess an employee against the role profile of a critical role.

Succession Plan Template

Use this template to record your organization's succession plan.

Knowledge Transfer Job Aid

Use this tool to determine how to facilitate a transfer of knowledge between a role incumbent and a successor of a critical role.

Standard Focus Group Guide

Use this guide to gain deeper understanding of challenges and the effectiveness of current practices through focus groups.

High-Potential Program Workbook

Use this tool to capture key information and decisions when developing a high-potential program.

Implement a Job Rotation Program Storyboard

Give employees a better perspective of the organization and alleviate job dissatisfaction and monotony though a job rotation program that builds key capabilities. 

Career Pathing Tool

Use this tool to capture the progression and requirements of various career paths that will create a career framework.

Create Realistic Career Frameworks

Use this job aid to select internal career paths to include in a career framework.

Preparing for an Internal Talent Marketplace

Is a fundamental shift toward a skills-based talent sharing model using a talent marketplace platform right for your organization?

People Manager Conversation Template: Unsuccessful High-Potential Candidates

Use this template to help people managers navigate conversations with employees who have not been selected to participate in the high-potential program.
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