EVP Examples Catalog

Look through this catalog for examples of employee value propositions.

Executive Feedback Presentation Template

Customize this template to create a presentation to share the EVP draft with executives.

Uncover the Employee Value Proposition Storyboard

Strategically highlight organizational strengths in a compelling and realistic story to attract and retain the right talent.

Uncover the Employee Value Proposition Executive Briefing

Use this document to make the case for a strong employee value proposition to your executive team.

EVP Scorecard

Use this tool to discover areas of the EVP that require revision before it is launched to market.

EVP Senior Leadership Buy-In Presentation Template

Use this template to present the drafted EVP and elevator pitch and obtain buy-in from senior leaders and executives.

Case Studies: Redesign the Candidate Experience

Refer to these case studies for examples of redesigning the candidate experience.

Develop a Social Media Plan for HR Storyboard

Partnering with stakeholders will give HR the ability to promote the employer brand, leverage networks, and discover available talent on social media. Hone social media...

Develop a Social Media Plan for HR Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case to your executives for an HR-specific social media strategy to unlock recruitment and employer branding potential.

Employee Ambassador Program Guide

Leverage the power of employee voice on social media.
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