Talent Attraction - Tools & Templates
Types of Content
Standard HR ScorecardThe HR Scorecard is a way to track progress towards your goals. Once you input your initiative information (including date and target metrics), the tool will help... |
Standard Internal Communications PlanUse this template to document the plan for communicating anything internally to target audiences. |
Internal Communications Guide TemplateUse this template to provide communicators across the organization with guidance on how to communicate effectively. |
HR Metrics LibraryThis library consists of an extensive list of potential HR metrics that apply to all functions of HR. Use this library to find metrics that are applicable to your... |
Job Description Template – StreamlinedUse this template to standardize the content in job descriptions. HR and managers overseeing the position should collaborate to write effective streamlined job descriptions. |
EVP ScorecardUse this tool to discover areas of the EVP that require revision before it is launched to market. |
Employee Value Proposition WorkbookDrafting a strong EVP requires multiple steps and iteration. Use the Employee Value Proposition Workbook to plan for and document the outcomes of each step. |
Executive Feedback Presentation TemplateCustomize this template to create a presentation to share the EVP draft with executives. |
Campus Recruitment Program WorkbookUse this tool to record important decisions for the recruitment program and prepare for campus recruiting. |
Project Roadmap ToolUse this tool to create a project plan to support the roadmap and to prepare for technology selection and implementation. |