Talent Acquisition - Tools & Templates

Request for Proposal Template

Use this template to craft an RFP that clearly explains the goals and needs your organization is looking to fulfill and how vendors will be evaluated.

Guide for Vendors

Use this template to provide the chosen vendor with thorough information about your organization’s process(es) and brand.

Request for Information Template

Use this template to help you prepare a Request for Information (RFI) to potential vendors.

Talent Acquisition Process Optimization Tool

Capture key information in one place as you work through optimization of the talent acquisition process.

Candidate Experience Assessment Tool

Use this tool to assess which areas of the candidate experience need improvement.

Candidate Experience Project Charter

A project charter defines the project and lays the foundation for all subsequent project planning. It is a critical communication tool for the project purpose, scope, and...

Candidate Experience Survey Questions Template

Use this template to design a survey that gathers feedback from unsuccessful candidates to optimize the candidate experience.

Change Action and Communication Plan

Use this tool to establish clear action steps and communications to implement a change.

Social Media Metrics Tracking Tool

Use this tool to evaluate social media efforts and identify areas for improvement in posted content and across media channels by recording key metrics performance.

Editorial Calendar Template

Use this template to determine the type of content to be shared across social media platforms, assign content authors, and schedule content posts.
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