Talent Acquisition - Tools & Templates

Post-Hire Survey – Hiring Manager

Use the Post-Hire Survey – Hiring Manager to gather feedback from hiring managers to help assess the talent acquisition process.

Interview Guide Template

The Interview Guide Template will help you plan for and execute a structured interview process.

Behavioral Interview Question Library

This comprehensive competency-based question collection provides a list of behavioral questions that help the talent acquisition specialist and hiring manager interview...

Discovery Interview Guide

Use this guide to find interviewing tips and sample questions that can be used during discovery interviews to gain employee perspectives.

Empathy Map Template

Use this template to develop an empathy map in order to synthesize employee thoughts, feelings, and needs.

Journey Map Template

Use this template to develop a journey map that illustrates employees' perceptions, emotions, and needs experience through a specific work process.

Social Media Metrics Tracking Tool

Use this tool to evaluate social media efforts and identify areas for improvement in posted content and across media channels by recording key metrics performance.

Editorial Calendar Template

Use this template to determine the type of content to be shared across social media platforms, assign content authors, and schedule content posts.

HR Social Media Plan

Use this template to document social media goals, evaluate current social media practices, and record guidelines.

Social Media Boolean Search Tool

Use this tools to customize, create, and execute Boolean search strings for a variety of roles and platforms.
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