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HR Guide to Measuring Workload Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case for measuring workload to the executive team.

Measuring Workload Working Document

Use this working document to record key information, data, and decisions made around workload measurement and recommended interventions.

Measuring Workload Presentation Template

Use this presentation template to share workload findings and gain buy-in for the implementation of recommended interventions.

Introducing Iqbal Ali, Executive Advisor at McLean & Company

In this Q&A, Iqbal Ali talks about his career, what drew him to this role, and what advice he would give to new HR leaders.

Inclusive Language Infographic

Use this infographic to embed inclusive language into written communications.

Inclusive Language Guide Storyboard

Embed inclusive language in written communications to ensure language that acknowledges the diverse identities of the audience to foster respect and belonging.

Inclusive Language Guide

Embedding inclusive language in written communications ensures organizations use language that acknowledges the diverse identities of the audience to foster respect and...
  • guided implementation icon

Adverse Impact Primer

Use this primer to become familiar with adverse impact and understand how it affects organizational decision-making.
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