Learning & Development

Interview Guide Template

The Interview Guide Template will help you plan for and execute a structured interview process.

Standard Participant Training Session Evaluation Template

Participant reaction is the key to measuring the initial satisfaction of the training session, determining which areas are working, and which areas require improvement.

Participant Handbook: Define a Leadership Identity

Use this handbook to guide learners through leadership identity training activities.

ROI Calculator for Corporate Training

Although it requires the consideration of both known facts and unknown future circumstances, quantifying the ROI of training is very useful in determining the expected...

Bad Hire Cost Calculator

The Bad Hire Cost Calculator will help you determine the cost of a bad hire to your organization to help make the case for best practice interviewing training.

Training Deck: Train Managers in the Art of Decision Making

Train leaders to become effective decision makers that can gain stakeholder buy-in, reduce bias, manage groupthink and analysis paralysis, and drive overall decision...

Training Deck: Navigate Team Dynamics

To successfully reap the benefits of working in teams, organizations must focus on effective transition through the four phases of the team lifecycle: Forming, Storming,...

Mentoring Agreement Template

Use this agreement to outline expectations, roles, and responsibilities for the mentoring relationship.

Role Plays: Foster Effective Feedback in the Workplace

​Use these role play scenarios during employee and manager training on effective feedback skills to give them practice with all feedback actions and directions.

Mentee Preparation Checklist

Use this checklist to set the mentoring relationship up for success with an efficient and effective first meeting.
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