Leadership Development - Tools & Templates

Role Plays: Master Difficult Conversations

Use this guide to train managers to practice navigating difficult conversations as a part of the Master Difficult Conversations training deck.

People Leadership in a Hybrid Environment Workbook

Use this workbook to capture key information and decisions while working through a plan for hybrid team leaders.

Team Communication Guidelines Template

Use this template to create communication guidelines with that will support teamwork in a hybrid environment.

Tips for Managing a Hybrid Team

Use this resource to keep advice for hybrid people managers top of mind and accessible in the moment.

Use Team Traditions to Reinforce Connection in a Hybrid Environment

Use this resource to support connection, bonding, and team culture regardless of work location.

Coach Employees for High Performance & Development Participant Handbook

Use this handbook as a reference for managers to find and capture essential information during and after the coaching training session.

Training Deck: Foster Effective Feedback in the Workplace – Employee Training

Train employees to effectively give, receive, ask for, and act on feedback to improve employee engagement and innovation.

Integrated Leadership Tactics Catalog

Use this catalog to explore approaches for practicing the five categories of the integrated leadership framework.

Manage Your HR Brand Handbook

This handbook will allow participants to take notes and complete activities during the Manage Your HR Brand training.

Learning in Action: Manage Your HR Brand

Use this handout to remind learners of core concepts learned in the training Manage Your HR Brand.
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