HR Strategy
Types of Content
Stay Interview GuideUse this guide to help managers conduct conversations with employees to gain insights into their level of engagement, satisfaction with job responsibilities, and intent... |
HR Metrics LibraryThis library consists of an extensive list of potential HR metrics that apply to all functions of HR. Use this library to find metrics that are applicable to your... |
HR Action and Communication PlanUse this template to establish the actions and communications required to implement the project. |
Metrics WorkbookUse this tool to identify audience needs, select metrics, and build an HR dashboard. |
Plan for HR Shared ServicesLimited resources are putting pressure on HR departments to improve their efficiency. At the same time, HR needs to deliver more strategic value, provide data on the... |
Training Deck: Equip Managers to Lead Through ChangeUse this training deck to conduct management training sessions on change management. Customize this training deck with your organization's internal processes to develop... |
Neuroscience and HRBuild evidence-based HR practices that work with the brain, not against it, to gain credibility with stakeholders and drive business results. |
HR Process Mapping TemplateOptimizing your HR department will mean streamlining and making improvements to existing processes. Use this template to help you map out your new and improved process... |
Standard Internal Communications PlanUse this template to document the plan for communicating anything internally to target audiences. |
Optimize Span of ControlContrary to popular belief, widening the span of control by reducing the number of managers does not always correlate to cost savings. There is no magic number when it... |