HR Strategy

Get Started With HR Analytics Storyboard

Analytics is a powerful tool to answer business questions, explain or explore metrics, and plan for the future. Understand how to build upon metrics and data to provide...

What's New With McLean & Company – A Virtual Tour

Have you visited the McLean & Company website lately? We are hosting a quick 30-minute tour to help you discover our site and navigate it with ease.

CHRO Roundtable: Digital transformation is here, how is HR moving forward?

A distinguished panel of senior HR executives share their experiences with HR technology and the role HR can play in supporting the ongoing digital transformation...

Webinar: CHRO Roundtable: 2021 Top Three HR Priorities: Talent Acquisition, Developing Leaders, Managing Labor Costs

Despite the immense change HR has experienced in 2020, the top three HR priorities have remained the same year over year. Our expert panel shares their insights on Talent...

Develop Business Continuity Management Response Plans Storyboard

This storyboard follows best practices to help you develop crisis response plans.

Crisis Management Workflow Example

Use this example crisis management workflow to support crisis planning efforts.

Post-Crisis Debrief Guide

Use this guide to structure post-crisis debrief meetings.

Emergency Response Plan – Staff Instructions

Use this template to educate employees on their role in crisis response plans.

Develop Business Continuity Management Response Plans

Crises are a fact of life. This remains unlikely to change, so effectively navigating a crisis depends on having a response plan in place to mitigate risks and lessen costs.
  • guided implementation icon

Build a Resilient HR Team Storyboard

The changing world of work continues to increase the pressure experienced by HR professionals, leaving them vulnerable to chronic work stress and burnout. Develop a...
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