
Implement and Sustain Cultural Integration Post-Merger or Acquisition

Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) are a popular strategy for organizational growth, yet most M&As are unsuccessful. Strategically integrate cultures after an M&A to drive...
  • guided implementation icon

Implement and Sustain Cultural Integration Post-Merger or Acquisition Storyboard

In mergers and acquisitions (M&As), cultural integration cannot be ignored. Organizations that leverage change management and communication around organizational values,...

M&A Cultural Integration Workbook

Use this workbook to select and define the integrated organization's focus values and develop a cultural integration plan to drive the success of the transaction.

M&A Culture Assessment

Use this tool to understand how the culture of the target organization(s) differ from that of the purchasing organization to make a plan for cultural integration after...

Case Studies: Implement and Sustain Cultural Integration Post-Merger or Acquisition

Refer to these case studies for examples of cultural integrations after a merger or acquisition in various organizations with different cultures and needs.

Core Competency Library

This comprehensive core competency library will help you select and develop your organization's core competencies.

Comprehensive Competency Library

The comprehensive competency library tool allows you to customize your competencies to employees, thus giving them a personalized performance management plan.

Employee Wellbeing Infographic

Share this one-page infographic with employees to educate them about the dimensions of employee wellbeing and what wellbeing resources are being offered by the organization.

Flow State: A Gateway to Engagement, Performance, and Productivity

How your organization can activate the conditions for employees to achieve optimal results.

Flow State: A Gateway to Engagement, Performance, and Productivity Storyboard

Flow state is the mental state of being fully immersed in an activity. Organizations that facilitate flow state enable employees to achieve optimal results, increasing...
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