Tagged - training and development
Types of Content
Train Managers in the Art of Decision MakingLeaders are failing to apply best practices when making decisions, instead they take an ad hoc approach that often does not achieve expected outcomes. Train managers to... |
HR Trends Report 2023Explore the trends that will influence HR in 2023 and beyond as determined by over 1,000 human resources and business professionals in McLean & Company’s HR Trends Report... |
Handbook: Train Managers in the Art of Decision MakingUse this handbook to collect information and participate in activities during training on decision making and as a reference guide post-training. |
Knowledge Check: Train Managers in the Art of Decision MakingUse this knowledge check to help assess retainment of the decision-making training content. |
Learning in Action: Train Managers in the Art of Decision MakingUse this handout to reinforce key ideas from the decision-making training. |
The Art of Decision Making Training Session Feedback FormUse this template to gather feedback from participants of decision making training. |
Structured Decision-Making Process HandoutUse this handout to introduce training participants to a structured process for making decisions. |
Software Applications TrainerThe Software Applications Trainer's role is to deliver training to end users in the organization about how to use various types of software programs efficiently and... |