Talent Management - Storyboard

Develop Key Competencies to Excel as a Strategic Business Partner Guide

HR must make the shift from simply talking about being strategic to behaving strategically or it runs the risk of being seen as a tactical roadblock. By developing the...

Strategically Develop a 360 Feedback Process Storyboard

Thoughtfully design and implement the 360 feedback process for developmental purposes to overcome obstacles and realize employee and organizational benefits.

Exit Survey Benchmark Report 2024

Get key insights, analysis, and benchmarking data for McLean & Company’s Employee Exit Survey from 2021 to 2023.

New Hire Survey Benchmark Report 2024

Get key insights, analysis, and benchmarking data for McLean & Company’s New Hire Survey from 2021 to 2023.

HR Guide to Job Redesign Storyboard

Effectively redesign jobs to support the evolving needs of the organization and employees. Leverage job design methods to address pain points and strike a balance between...

HR Guide to Measuring Workload Storyboard

The path to workload optimization starts with intentional workload measurement. The HR Guide to Measuring Workload provides HR with the information and tools to measure...

Develop Core and Leadership Competencies Storyboard

Core and leadership competencies provide organizations and their employees with a common understanding of the knowledge, skills, attributes, and behaviors required to...

Create Functional Competencies Storyboard

Functional competencies are part of a broader competency framework and deliver the greatest impact when developed to address function-specific needs aligned with...

Build an Employee Sponsorship Program Storyboard

Intentional sponsorship addresses organizational-level barriers and biases hindering career advancement and leadership diversity.

Address the Talent Gap Driven by Generative AI Storyboard

Generative AI can automate tasks, which will disrupt organizations by reshaping roles, shifting talent requirements, and impacting workforce composition. Address the...
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