Talent Attraction - Research Notes
Types of Content
Develop a Social Media Plan for HR Executive BriefingUse this briefing to make the case to your executives for an HR-specific social media strategy to unlock recruitment and employer branding potential. |
Workshop Overview: Uncover an Impactful Employee Value PropositionEngage McLean & Company facilitators to lead your team through the Employee Value Proposition workshop. |
Build a Customized Campus Recruitment Program Executive BriefingUse this briefing to make the case for a campus recruitment program to your executive team. |
Redesign the Candidate Experience Executive BriefingUse this briefing to make the case for a candidate-centric acquisition process that exhibits the organization's unique value to the right talent. |
EVP Examples CatalogLook through this catalog for examples of employee value propositions. |
Uncover the Employee Value Proposition Executive BriefingUse this document to make the case for a strong employee value proposition to your executive team. |