Talent Acquisition

EVP Scorecard

Use this tool to discover areas of the EVP that require revision before it is launched to market.

Develop an Internship Program Storyboard

Create a structured internship program that supports organizational goals and talent needs, recruits diverse intern talent, and emphasizes intern integration within the...

Uncover the Employee Value Proposition Storyboard

Strategically highlight organizational strengths in a compelling and realistic story to attract and retain the right talent.

HR Guide to Social Media

The HR Guide to Social Media supports HR organizations looking to maximize social media as a tool to enhance HR's efforts with both internal and external audiences.

Streamline the Internal Hiring Process Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case to your executives for improving the internal talent mobility process to retain talent.

Develop a Social Media Plan for HR Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case to your executives for an HR-specific social media strategy to unlock recruitment and employer branding potential.

Streamline the Internal Hiring Process Storyboard

Employees frequently leave organizations due to a perceived lack of internal opportunities. A focus on internal talent mobility will lead to cost savings, retention of...

Create a Talent Acquisition Strategy Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case for developing an effective talent acquisition strategy to your executive team.

Uncover the Employee Value Proposition Executive Briefing

Use this document to make the case for a strong employee value proposition to your executive team.

Research Snapshot: Uncover the Employee Value Proposition

Use this research snapshot to strategically highlight organizational strengths in a compelling and realistic story to attract and retain the right talent.
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