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Keep Your Best and Brightest – A Manager’s Guide to Stay Conversations

Stay conversations, or stay interviews, are an important element in preventing employee turnover, yet some organizations tend to overlook them. This microlearning is a...

EVP Examples Catalog

Look through this catalog for examples of employee value propositions.

Executive Feedback Presentation Template

Customize this template to create a presentation to share the EVP draft with executives.

Microlearning: Keep Your Best and Brightest – A Manager’s Guide to Stay Conversations

Stay conversations, or stay interviews, are an important element in preventing employee turnover, yet some organizations tend to overlook them. This microlearning is a...

Employee Value Proposition Workbook

Drafting a strong EVP requires multiple steps and iteration. Use the Employee Value Proposition Workbook to plan for and document the outcomes of each step.

EVP Scorecard

Use this tool to discover areas of the EVP that require revision before it is launched to market.

Talent Implications Checklist

Use this checklist to help identify talent implications from your organization's strategy that will inform HR strategy and priorities.

Generative AI Ideas Catalog

Use this tools to help brainstorm ideas and uses cases for where generative AI may be used within HR functions in the future.

HR Guide for Supporting Retained Employees After a Layoff

Use this guide to identify best practices for supporting retained employees after a layoff to bolster trust, resilience, and engagement.

Post-Layoff Stay Conversation Guide

Use this tool to support managers in facilitating effective post-layoff stay conversations with their team members.
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